Hey guys, I just wanted to ask how much it costs to travel with more than one guitar in a flight. I will be travelling back home from China. Airline: Qatar airways
Ooh, and I would also like to know the process with customs and stuff since it will be my first time going through this process anyway.
Traveling costs for travelling with a guitar
Mzi Gareth Lloyd on the Facebook group has this to say:
The last time I traveled with two guitars was in 2001; both as checked luggage; no problems or extra charges; that was however a long time ago and things have almost definitely changed; most airlines have weight and piece restrictions; for Qatar, it’s two pieces at 32kg each I believe; if you have another bag, which you most definitely will, you may have to pay extra according to their policy, they may however wave this as the average guitar weight will probably be in the region of about 14/15kg each in its case (depending on guitar - not sure what guitars yours are), which would put you under the limit (strap the two cases together and call it one piece and argue the point if it’s an issue ?). Carry on baggage is a different story; most airlines charge for an extra seat if the item exceed the max dimensions; I tried to take an Oud as carry on on Qatar just over a year ago and had to check it due to it exceeding max allowable dimensions (marginally); it’s best to contact the airline for accurate information. As far as customs is concerned,If the guitars are new you will have to declare; musical instruments are exempt from duties but you will have to pay vat and also 10% of the vat value (exchange rate at time of clearing) - carry your receipts. You can try and slip through the nothing to declare section as many do, but you will then be liable for penalties/fines etc if caught as it is an offense. If the guitars are not new, you don’t have to worry about customs, but carry receipts if you have them. Of course, if your guitars have any rosewood in them you could face a different set of problems due to new cites rules regarding rosewood; permits would be required etc. I don’t have any personal experience with this, but have heard of a few people who didn’t have an issue. Hope this helps.
If it's a bolt-on electric, I'd take the neck off and just pack using the clothes as packing material (literally!). I've done this a few times - though I was using a monsterous samsonite hardshell case that could fit a bass neck in diagonally!
For customs...Hmm, make sure it looks used - remove all tags, protective plastics,etc...if stopped you can either : debate that you bought it secondhand or say it was bought new, but you've used it for quite a while. I've not yet been stopped and have brought in 4 acoustic guitars (3 new, one used) over the years.
I have practice breezing through customs - a confident walk and the mindset that "there's nothing to see here" works well ?
One thing to consider...if it's a 'replica' you might run into some savvy customs agent looking for such things - incredibly unlikely though.
I may be wrong but I think that an instrument is considered to be a personal item, like a laptop, and you don't generally have a customs issue. If you are concerned, take a couple of SA related stickers and put them on the case or instrument (I have stuck Mozambican beer coasters on amps that I have brought back home and been able to get away with it). I laughed at V8's comment - I also have used a big Samsonite suitcase, bought for ten pounds from a thrift shop, to carry a dismantled guitar and Microcube. As far as flying with your guitar is concerned, a normal electric - in a gig bag, usually fits in the overhead locker and, on international flights, I have never had a serious problem with carrying it on board. On your SA internal flights with your budget airlines it is a different story. They insist that it gets sent as Fragile and you pay. Best not to use a gig bag on internal flights.
So, I've just moved to Germany from SA. I flew emerits, so may be different. But they refused to let me on the plane with my acoustic. So, I either had to check it in, as one of my 2 bags or pay R3500 additional luggage. So, i ended up leaving it behind (heart broken about it). So, either my mother in law will bring in March somehow or I'll ship it here with Fedex or something.