G-Man wrote:
Ah, I see, so a 34 inch scale probably wont handle such low tuning then, that is a pity. Maybe I'll get lucky with the .145 as far as the tension goes. (Thanks for telling me about raru, I hadn't heard of them before!!!)
(You wouldn't happen to have a picture of the BTB by any chance?)
I think with a fat enough string a 34in should be able to hand a A tuning...but I havn't done it, so I really can't be certain. I did some thinking and reckon it could work. Although I wouldn't completely trust my though process...It was like this : If I compare my two 34in basses (EADG and BEAD). E (1st string, .105) to B (1st string, .135), it's a 3 &1/2 step drop (i think), but gauge went up by .30. Tension is a bit less on the BEAD bass, but still very playable. So if I went down a step and went up in gauge by .10 I reckon it could be okay...
I've heard of guys using a .170 in drop tunings...wtf!
Raru are cool, only place I've seen individual strings online locally. But I'm sure Paul Bothners would be able to arrange them too (They are the Ernie Ball distributor). Dáddario also do singles, but I didn't see any phat string stocked locally.
No pic of that BTB, they havn't listed it yet it seems. It's a satin black finish, functional but not exactly striking in the looks department. I did play it yesterday for a bit - It was strung EADG and it felt pretty good sounded okay too. ..But I wouldn't give up my Warwick for it though, the Warwick is sounding soooo good in the tracking we're busy doing.