The GFSA 'Something with Delay' Challenge Re-visited
Heeeerrreeee we go go go go go...Great to see a bunch of entries, thanks guys! Reckon everyone had a lot of fun this time around?
6ix entries, 2wo pools to vote in and 4our days to vote. Voting ends on 26th May 8)
[b]Pool 1[/b]
[b]Peterleroux - Something else with delay[/b]
Ok, a little sketch recorded on my iPad with Music Memos and Garage Band using an iTrack Pocket and my Squiers- a CV Jazz and a Cabronita.
Bass was recorded using a home made Rebote delay at maximum delay- One pulse on the '1' with 3 repeats. Drums were generated automatically by Music Memos to match this tempo, then tweaked in Garage Band. I went into Garage Band to record the two guitar tracks- the arpeggios with the Garage Band delay slaved to the master tempo through a Voxy rig, and the volume swells using the Rebote pedal set close to infinite repeats in an orange coloured amp.
[b]Warrenpridgeon - Stupid Hero [/b]
[b]Stoffeltoo - Ode to 100 slaughtered donkeys[/b][i]
Guitar SX Telecaster
Pedals: Surf and Turf Compressor,Corned Beef Reverb, DD3 Delay, Joyo Analogue delay and keys done with guitar through a EHX Key 9 pedal.
My first try at delay song so kept it KISS.
I was looking for something sad but with beat, hence the name. The lead guitar was the most challenging.
[b]Pool 2[/b]
[b]Bruceikins - Indigo Bay[/b][i]
[i]What better way to demonstrate the glory of delay than a tip of the hat to the the first guitarist to popularize the effect- Hank B. Marvin, lead guitarist (as they used to be called) of The Shadows. My entry is a Shadows influenced tune I wrote many years ago, and named after the band I was in called The Indigos. About a year later my band The Zombies (South African) recorded it, and on listening to it recently I thought it deserved re-recording. For the technically minded, I used my '94 Strat with Kinman Traditional II pups and Callaham bridge block into my Ethos pedal, with Strymon's El Capistan and Xotics EP Boost direct into my mixer on Sonar X1. The backing was a mix and match selection from Band-In-A-Box 2017.
[b]Studmissile - Said & Done[/b][i]
[b]Wizard & Meron Rigas - Afro Electro[/b][i]
[i]Collaboration with Wizard rocking away on his awesome electrified n'goni plugged into a delay and a small amp. I'm hacking away unplugged on my nylon stringer trying some kinda mix of strumming and percussion.
Since my interface is away on band duties, we got creative with the engineering for the live, one take recording.
Track 1: Used my laptop mic to capture the natural reverb of the room and my guitar.
Track 2 : Wizard used his phone to capture the n'goni through the amp.
Mixed them together in Reaper. Panned the tracks, Track1 65% left and Track2 50% right. A bit of compression to glue things together and a hint of delay on track1 when the guitar drops out.
No click, just used the delay on the n'goni to try and stay in some kinda time. We were not attempting a poly-rhythmical thing, that's just me making boo-boo's.
(old forum) Poll Results: [VOTE] GFSA 'Something with Delay' Challenge Revisited
- Peterleroux: 3
- Warrenpridgeon: 5
- Stoffeltoo: 1
- Bruceikins: 3
- Studmissile: 4
- Wizard & Meron Rigas: 5