I just want to get the opinions of more experienced builders on using Paulownia wood for a guitar body. I have a Strat body made out of the wood and it's incredibly light.(Not to mention the fact that it's b***** to finish nicely.)
My big concern is the tone of the finished guitar. In my experience(which is not alot!) guitars with very light bodies tend to be a bit thin when it comes to tone.
A penny for your thoughts! ?
I will be shot at dawn for saying this.
But I don't actually think the body wood of a solid body guitar makes any difference at all.
? ? ?
By contrast the shape, thickness, wood & fretboard of the neck makes a MASSIVE difference.
You attach a clip tuner to the headstock ... because it is resonating.
Try clip one onto the body - nothing.
I rigged up a piezo pickup and had fun putting it onto to everything under the sun just to see what happened.
Bridges of anything resonate like crazy - critical component.
Soundboards of acoustic guitars.
But solid bodies - not so much.
Now you can shoot me for heresy.
This guy has the final word on tonewood
The guitar is cool!, but check out the drum kit!, shreek!! ?
those guys rock. seriously!