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Foottapiologist wrote: I don't see the current status of the poll. Just wondering if I have an issue with my laptop or if that is the way it is?
I just see my own votes
With polls on the forum, there's a few options, for challenges we've been using the "show results when poll expires", which is 4th September 2:19am.

I like the mystery of not knowing - but it's always open to discussion. If the majority wants to see the results as we progress, I'm happy to change it for the next one.

Personally : it isn't about the votes or "winning". Just getting a entry in and opening one's self to constructive criticism is a big step for many people. Also, listening and voting is a underappreciated skill in itself. (Thank you to the voters so far!)

    Probably a good thing to leave it a surprise. People are subliminally influenced
      Foottapiologist wrote: Probably a good thing to leave it a surprise. People are subliminally influenced
      Yeah we've tried a few different things - I preferred the anonymous entries and leaving the results until the voting finished. But people preferred knowing who entered, so we changed it. In retrospect, everyone has their style, so after a few anonymous entries it wasn't too tough to figure out who the regulars were.

      But good question - the challenges are ours to play with and evolve - keep things from getting stale/boring. So, I have no issue with changing formats, rules, etc.. Any and all suggestions welcomed!

        Meron Rigas wrote: the challenges.......
        And it is literally a challenge. Kudos to the guys that take part. I'm challenged enough just playing guitar and don't have the capacity to learn the whole other discipline of recording it
          Meron Rigas wrote: Stud : You are vying the title of "GFSA hook-meister"...
          Stud, The fact that you are not a professional musician (maybe you are???) is beyond me. Truly great work, as always!
          Foottapiologist wrote: ...don't have the capacity to learn the whole other discipline of recording it
          Tell me about it! I have learned so much but not nearly enough about recording. Hats off to those that get it right and it actually sounds right!

            My proficiency in subtleness leaves a lot to be desired. Rather let me offer 10 kowtows to the pool B entrants.
            In my ears all were excellent and voting has been a regular "change my mind" affair.
            What I would like to achieve in future recordings, is to migrate away from audacity to Reaper which I currently experience as a challenging DAW.
            If the participants would be so kind as to explain their approach to their recordings, DAW used, and song track order, it may add to greater production for the newbies, intermediates in future compo's.
              Meron Rigas wrote:
              Foottapiologist wrote: I don't see the current status of the poll. Just wondering if I have an issue with my laptop or if that is the way it is?
              I just see my own votes
              With polls on the forum, there's a few options, for challenges we've been using the "show results when poll expires", which is 4th September 2:19am.

              I like the mystery of not knowing - but it's always open to discussion. If the majority wants to see the results as we progress, I'm happy to change it for the next one.

              Personally : it isn't about the votes or "winning". Just getting a entry in and opening one's self to constructive criticism is a big step for many people. Also, listening and voting is a underappreciated skill in itself. (Thank you to the voters so far!)

              Agree, voting should be done without influence of other voters. Remember one cannot discuss taste or likings, its different for everyone. The fact there are different styles of music to vote for make it difficult to decide on what will influence your vote: the style, the quality of the recording, quality of lyrics, quality of playing single or multiple instruments, etc.

                babbalute wrote: Agree, voting should be done without influence of other voters. Remember one cannot discuss taste or likings, its different for everyone. The fact there are different styles of music to vote for make it difficult to decide on what will influence your vote: the style, the quality of the recording, quality of lyrics, quality of playing single or multiple instruments, etc.
                We've tried a few things in the past to try and highlight the creative (composition) aspect of entries over production and performance aspects. For me, this reflects the original intent of the challenge section when the forum first started, many, many moons ago.

                For this challenge, we said "anything goes" and threw everything in the pot - and the ten entries (Actually, there were eleven, alas I received ChrisP's too late to include) encourage me to keep things fresh and put effort into this part of GFSA.

                For sure, personal taste, production values and playing prowess influence voting (as well as social aspects) more than sheer creativity - but that, I'm afraid that seems unavoidable. I have suggested one weights one's voting in favour of creative endeavours over production/playing/social considerations.

                But let's face it, it's your vote to choose whatever tickles your fancy (personal taste) and that I'd fight for that over anything else.
                  Stoffeltoo wrote: If the participants would be so kind as to explain their approach to their recordings, DAW used, and song track order, it may add to greater production for the newbies, intermediates in future compo's.
                  Hey Stoffeltoo, I would be glad to give an idea of how I go about composing and then recording my stuff, if it will help. I'm a little busy right now, so you can expect it in a little while.
                    Much appreciated and thank you Pete!
                      Damn, I really had a tough time deciding between AJB's metal track and Averatu's metal track.

                      Both had me reminiscing over my teen years and my years in a thrash metal band.

                      Meron, your track is rad :bopping:

                      I was really hoping to get one in but my band and I didn't get around to recording anything last weekend.
                        "I thought bass was lacking on my bass heavy system"
                        Just remembered I never recorded bass on this track.
                          Averatu wrote: "I thought bass was lacking on my bass heavy system"
                          Just remembered I never recorded bass on this track.
                          That would explain it then... 8) - I didn't think there was a bass, only perhaps that you left space for it in the mix? I'm learning the ways of metal bass playing, so I guess my ears are tuning in for the low-end.
                          TokyoP0P wrote: Meron, your track is rad :bopping:

                          I was really hoping to get one in but my band and I didn't get around to recording anything last weekend.
                          Thanks Tokyo - that track is a all-time fav of mine.

                          Looking forward to some tracks from you in the future - there'll be more 'open' challenges for Pro/Bands entries, seems like that's a cool way to get to hear what everybody is up to.
                            Thanks Meron, I was hoping my solo would be the middle 8, lol, but you’re right.

                            It’s all done on a boss micro br, and recently I’ve been exporting the single track WAVs to Reaper for "tweaking", but I am slowly but surely building up a home studio.

                            Thank you wern101, I’ve always enjoyed song writing, but these challenges have really inspired my playing and improved my confidence on the guitar.

                            My quick 5c:

                            Hasie your playing is improving with each entry, great articulation and so well executed. Glad to see you back in this months challenge!

                            Stoffeltoo, I've liked this track from the first time I heard it in December; even more so now hearing it fleshed out. Great stuff!

                            Wern101, I really enjoyed this, good melody and such strong vocals when you let rip! That song could really be something special given the full production treatment.

                            PeteM Classy indeed, superb guitar playing. Would love to hear vocals & lyrics to this.

                            Andrewjbryson, never listened much to killswitch, but that rocked/thrashed, great bloody playing.

                            Averatu, Man that rocked too, both you and Andrew sounded awesome, WOW!

                            Bruciekins, Excellent, flawless, in awe.

                            Arno West, First class, you guys have some great chemistry. You really need to do more.... Is it too soon to pre-order for 2027?

                            Meron Rigas, my only criticism is: why did you break up? Actually based on that “basic” setup blurb that recording is quite amazing! Sounds so damn good, song and band!

                            The bar has definitely been raised. What a brilliant turn out this month? So nice to hear everyone shine in their own element!
                              The metal tracks sounded really slick........ but to my mind playing metal is relative easy to make sound slick ..... so it adds to the difficulty of comparing apples with oranges when deciding on ones votes.
                                Well Done Meron!
                                To every one else well done for participating and entering.
                                Can't wait for the next one.
                                This challenge really raised my personal playing and recording skills and cannot wait for more opportunities to learn.
                                I am off to Moz for work this week but will keep my eyes peeled.
                                I have some new material lyrics which may find itself onto this forum soon.
                                  22 Voters!

                                  Thank you to all of you who took the time to listen and vote, that is seriously encouraging - hopefully there'll be a more than few further encouraged to enter in the future!

                                  A big congratz to Stoffeltoo and Stud as "co-winners" and Hasie and Wern for their best entries yet. PeteM, Andrew and Averatu for reminding us our their immense skills and Bruce & Arno for showing us what it takes to get professional!

                                  For the rest of us, please remember - It really doesn't take a fancy setup to get a decent recording - two of my tracks that have 'won' were both recorded extremely simply (laptop mic or cheeep dynamic mic) - but they were really good takes/performances that just happened to be recorded.

                                  Which, for me is the toughest thing, capturing that great performance that we ALL have lurking under our skin.

                                  Now onto the 2nd toughest thing...Choosing another challenge topic...HEEELLLPP! ?
                                  Stoffeltoo wrote: Well Done Meron!
                                  studmissile wrote: Meron Rigas, my only criticism is: why did you break up? Actually based on that “basic” setup blurb that recording is quite amazing! Sounds so damn good, song and band!
                                  Thanks guys - miss that band - but when it came time to get serious and step out of the garage, life stepped in and drums got married and made babies, guitars/vox had to travel w/girlfriend and I joined GFSA. We are all still good friends and -only in retrospect- did we realized we had something special brewing.

                                  That take was a laugh, drums and bass decided that that particular take was ours...vox/guitar had been messing around most of the day and the rhythm section got some payback by upping the tempo after the 1st verse and attacking the rest of the tune. During the take we were rewarded with some rather dirty looks from vox/guitar (much to our amusement) as we took unplanned fills and kept the tempo rocking. It turned out to be the best take of that weekend!
                                    Meron Rigas wrote: We are all still good friends and -only in retrospect- did we realized we had something special brewing.
                                    Very special indeed.

                                    Well done Stoffletoo and Meron, great entries! But I got to say it was a very difficult vote this month, all the entries were that good!
                                      Wow dudes! Such epic entries this month! ?arty: :goodtimes: :bopping:

                                      My life is so crazy I haven't played guitar for over a month again :'(
                                        Challenge Topic HEEELP!
                                        Congrats Meron. Well deserved and to the runners up.

                                        My proposal for the next compo.
                                        Who is willing to write lyrics for music interpretation. Competition entrants are required to interpret the lyrics musically in accordance with their own individual style inclusive of vocals (own or collaborated)