22 Voters!
Thank you to all of you who took the time to listen and vote, that is seriously encouraging - hopefully there'll be a more than few further encouraged to enter in the future!
A big congratz to Stoffeltoo and Stud as "co-winners" and Hasie and Wern for their best entries yet. PeteM, Andrew and Averatu for reminding us our their immense skills and Bruce & Arno for showing us what it takes to get professional!
For the rest of us, please remember - It really doesn't take a fancy setup to get a decent recording - two of my tracks that have 'won' were both recorded extremely simply (laptop mic or cheeep dynamic mic) - but they were really good takes/performances that just happened to be recorded.
Which, for me is the toughest thing, capturing that great performance that we ALL have lurking under our skin.
Now onto the 2nd toughest thing...Choosing another challenge topic...HEEELLLPP! ?
Stoffeltoo wrote:
Well Done Meron!
studmissile wrote:
Meron Rigas, my only criticism is: why did you break up? Actually based on that “basic” setup blurb that recording is quite amazing! Sounds so damn good, song and band!
Thanks guys - miss that band - but when it came time to get serious and step out of the garage, life stepped in and drums got married and made babies, guitars/vox had to travel w/girlfriend and I joined GFSA. We are all still good friends and -only in retrospect- did we realized we had something special brewing.
That take was a laugh, drums and bass decided that that particular take was ours...vox/guitar had been messing around most of the day and the rhythm section got some payback by upping the tempo after the 1st verse and attacking the rest of the tune. During the take we were rewarded with some rather dirty looks from vox/guitar (much to our amusement) as we took unplanned fills and kept the tempo rocking. It turned out to be the best take of that weekend!