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  • Tom Morello - "Gear doesn't matter"

Interesting take on gear and a quick look at his rig.

Does gear matter? I understand where he's coming from & I agree...I wouldn't have 5 years ago.
    It does and it doesn't
    Maybe learning how to use what you have and learning how to play better is more important than "buying'' that elusive sound - so I would agree with Mr. Morelli
      briang wrote: It does and it doesn't
      Maybe learning how to use what you have and learning how to play better is more important than "buying'' that elusive sound - so I would agree with Mr. Morelli
      That. Gear is awesome and fun. Sometimes it's inspiring. But it's only about 10% of your sound. Most of is what you play and how you play. I think we talk a lot about that 10% because you can just buy it (or make) it. It's not the most important thing. But it is the thing that can't basically be summed up in one word: "practise"
        It's also worht noting that although he hasn't messed with his guitars muchi n hte last 20 years, they are set up to suit HIS playing style very well- he's added killswitches etc. that make the instrument speak for him.
          I don't quite understand the video, cause clearly Tom's gone through "gear" modifications and reincarnations to get to that sweet spot? I suppose or think what he's trying to say is it's possible to make do with very standard/ or commercial gear and create something quite unique and special?
            He is absolutely the wrong person to be giving that advice, he's literally built a career off of the noises his gear can make instead of just playing his instrument :roflmao:
              Different strokes for different folks. Using car racing as an analogy, you can take a R10k beater and set it up well, drive hard (Guy A), and beat an M3 that had a Rmil spent on go-fast upgrades (Guy B). (Literally- BTDT) But both guys gave it their all despite their different emphasis and skills. Back in the parking lot however there are a bunch of guys with fancy cars (Guy C) going on about Ford vs BMW (Gibson vs Tokai ? ) and giving little wheelspins when they leave. It's the latter group that drives the economy.
              Be an A or maybe a B and leave the C's to talk about it and buy your products and wear your name on their cap
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