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Hi all!

Been given the opportunity to purchase a friend's Ibanez Ice Man. Only catch is this friend is on a different continent ?.

Can anyone tell me about their experience with it and how much the IC400 is worth? Very few of them available on Gumtree for reference.

    Eden wrote: Hi all!

    Been given the opportunity to purchase a friend's Ibanez Ice Man. Only catch is this friend is on a different continent ?.

    Can anyone tell me about their experience with it and how much the IC400 is worth? Very few of them available on Gumtree for reference.

    Saw two at the gear junkie a couple years ago - one in almost mint condition took about a year to sell at 4k.

    It didn't have much of a clean tone with the stock pups - Olly really dug it when the gain was turned up.
      What Meron said. The one was mine and it took an age to shift.

      Nicely made but you'd want a pickup upgrade if you need a versatile instrument. The other thing is that they are very headstock heavy, which ended up being the killer for me. Some people have no issue with that but it really bugs me: if it weren't for that I would have happily done a pickup change and would still have it.
        Like the guys above said, R4000 - R4500 max inmho! I played one for a bit that a friend of mine owned, it had a really nice neck! I cant remember how neck heavy it was, but if its anything like my ibanez adx120 (it looks a bit like an ice man, google it and ull understand ? ) Then id rather give it a skip, neck/headstock heavy guitars are not much fun, you might have a different experience with it. Best would be to jam the axe if possible and see how you bond!
        Here is one on olx
          Thanks all, appreciate the input!
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