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  • Guitar
  • Sheet Music Manager for IPad

Just wondering which Ipad app I would need to get to get as a sheet music manager. Some swear by onsong, others use Igigbook etc. Who is using what and if you would share some experience with it.
Much appreciated

Also noticed that the local Rand prices are way higher than the USD quoted prices. Getting milked from all sides here in SA
    OnSong is the best.

    I don't use it for sheet music though, but it definitely has support and knowing them it should be good.

    for chord sheets and words , nothing comes close, especially nothing on Android
      se7ent7 wrote: for chord sheets and words , nothing comes close, especially nothing on Android
      I beg to differ. LyricPad is a great app for Android that I use. I have over 500 songs in multiple play lists. Words/chords are highlighted, scrolled in time and you can add an MP3 to play along with.
        Thanks guy's
        Downloaded OnSong for my IpadPro. Never used but seen people using it. Works fine just need to get to know it and am sure all will be ok.
        Am also using the Books app that came with the ipad, if you don't need to transpose chords etc. and just want to import pdf music sheets this does the job perfectly except maybe having a facility to turn pages.(you can swipe to the next page of course.
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