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  • Jul 25, 2022
  • Joined Jul 30, 2010
  • ? I have always wanted a valve amp that sounds great. I have a VOX AD30VT-XL that I bought several years ago that kind of gave me the valve sound with it's pre-amp valve but it never quite sounded right for rhythm. Then along came Christmas and my wife gave me a voucher to buy an amp.

    After some research I settled on a Blackstar Club40. I was happy with a standard black one but when I went to buy, all they had left was a limited edition in Red! It looks great and when I plugged my Ibanez AR325 in it sounded fantastic. As a rhythm guitarist, I need a good clean channel and then some good overdrive for some heavy rock and this amp gives me both. Along with a footswitch to switch channels and the reverb. An effects loop allows me to add some effect after the amps overdrive.

    I am very happy with my new purchase, even though I do not have a lot of time to play with it at the moment. ?
    • se7ent7 wrote: for chord sheets and words , nothing comes close, especially nothing on Android
      I beg to differ. LyricPad is a great app for Android that I use. I have over 500 songs in multiple play lists. Words/chords are highlighted, scrolled in time and you can add an MP3 to play along with.
      • I guess the obvious question would be what instrument you play ? Also age and area could be a factor. Hope you find something
        • Have you tried another cable? Have you tried the cable on someone else's rig? Both quick checks to see if the problem is in the cable or the sockets on the guitar/amp.

          I have recently stripped a cable to sort out an issue with a cable only to find that the wires inside the cable are damaged. I found a kink in the inner core and places where the shielding was not properly surrounding the core. I have also found cables where there is more resistance than normal which causes signal loss. So it may not be the connectors but the cable itself.
          • Since the spam has been fixed, my classifieds has not been working properly. I only see 2 adverts?
            • Most audience can barely hear if your guitar is in tune, never mind if it is a top class guitar. I agree with all who say that it is all about you. If the guitar can make the sounds you want it to it makes no difference what it cost. Seasick Steve plays all sorts of strange guitars including his 3-string trans wonder and one made from Morris Minor hub caps! As long as it stays in tune, has proper intonation and does not rip your fingers to shreds then it is all good.

              I watched a great local guitarist blow his valve Marshall amp during a performance and then finish the show on a Cube and managed to sound really good. Most did not even notice that he swapped amps.

              I feel really uneasy about carrying expensive equipment round where it can be stolen, damaged or completely broken and much happier with a functional cheep guitar.

              It was also stated that for an acoustic guitar it is different and I agree. But there again you get great guitars at really good prices and don't have to mortgage your house. My Cort was not that expensive but sounds awesome through a PA and gets the job done. I leave my vintage Ibanez 12-string safely at home.
              • I wish! Too far from CT for a day trip. Should be brought to CT!
                • And fro all the Android users out there, install SmartChord. It does EVERYTHING, chords, chord names, arpeggio, scales, metronome, tuner, transposer, circle of 5ths, etc. And it works for a wide variety of instruments like guitar, uke, mandolin.
                  • My son helped out Gearhouse that supplied the sound system and it was a good stuff. Same stuff as was used for Kings of Chaos that everybody raved about. They brought their own sound engineers however and my son said that he struggled to hear the vocals. Not much you can do if they insist on doing the job themselves.
                    • I picked up a Tanglewood Uke a year or so ago for under R400. No pickup but almost small enough to put in your pocket.
                      • Just beware that adding all that extra weight to the door can cause those hinges to rip out - I found out the hard way and have had to replace them with a piano hinge.
                        • I was back in the store on Wednesday and the White AR220 has also been sold now. No more stock, will have to wait for the next batch to come in.

                          Kiera, reviews I have read say it is better then the originals. I never got to play one so have to rely on other people Certainly the tones possible with the tri-switches is incredible. Also lighter so not as back breaking and the Chinese are doing what the Japanese did in the 70's making fantastic quality guitars at great prices.
                          • A ZOOM G3 - a whole bunch in one box!
                            • You are welcome to a little touching Stoffeltoo, but only a little or I might get a bit jealous ?. I can show you where the white AR220 is if you are interested.
                              • I add my profound thanks to the rest expressed for all the advice and help on all manner of subject - you always seemed to have an answer. I wish you well with your endeavours and I am sure you can pop in as a 'normal' forumite any time and you will find us asking the same old questions.
                                • I have had my eye on one of the new Artist remakes for quite some time now, since they were announced in the USA nearly 2 years ago if my memory serves me correctly. I tried to import one but Guitar Centre refused to ship to SA. I almost got someone to buy one and re-sell it to me but thought the shipping would make it too expensive.

                                  Wednesday night I was at my local music shop for a band rehearsal and notice they had the AR325 and a white AR220 in stock - apparently recently unpacked. I really like the AR325 with its dark brown burst over a Bubinga laminate and gold hardware. It matches my Cort MR710 that has a Bubinga back and sides.

                                  Today I got some time to go and play it. It had not even been tuned yet so I was quite possibly the first person to play it. I fell in love. The Super 58 pups are awesome with a typical LP Lead/Rhythm switch. and separate vol and tone pots. Then to spice up the mix there are tri-switched for each pup (humbuckers) to set them to Humbuckers, single or parallel. The variation in sounds you can get is truly amazing.

                                  I came back home and my understanding wife said that if I really want it badly then I should just go and buy it. With it being on special at the moment I could not pass up the opportunity. I went right back and bought it after testing if it would fit in the hard case I got for my Tanglewood LP Gold top. I have just finished putting it through a first trial run to see what sounds I can get out of it so I can start learning how to set it up for various songs.

                                  Now, does anyone want my Tanglewood TSM58 Gold Top so I can pay for this thing?

                                  Many happy hours of playing ahead! I promise to post some photos as soon as I have some good light to show up the wood grain and get a good glint on the gold hardware.

                                  UPDATE - Photos

                                  • Another idea is to attach two strips of wood/metal on either side of the amp that swivel backwards for the amp to rest on. They can be joined with a strip across the back of the amp to keep them at the same angle.

                                    I found a collapsible tri-pod that you place your amp on at Marshal. It has a few settings for the rear leg that alter the angle. I also got a boom attachment that holds a mic in place in front of the speaker.
                                    • Dan Patlansky is my man. I own all of his CD's
                                      • Thanks guys, been away in Pretoria partying up a storm with my family so only just got your greetings.