Bob Dubery wrote:
[a Telecaster is about the best weapon you can have in a pub brawl, while an expensive acoustic is about the worst ?).
Keith Richards once did something along those lines.
When asked why he kept on hitting the punter concerned he replied "well he keeps on getting up again".
Here's the infamous Keith Richards clip. Most impressive, given the context, is how he finds the
Satisfaction riff again ...
I don't want to appear as if I'm advocating violence towars the audience,but here are a few situations where artists either took it badly or failed to show the necessary restraint:
Amy Winehouse:
Why Alan is right. Never threaten violence to the audience. Comedian Pauly Shore gets more than he bargained for:
Pauls Stanley of KISS goes for humiliating the guy over the microphone:
This is ridiculous. Drummer not happy with monitor mix. Fight ensues between soundguy and entire band: