IceCreamMan wrote:
mojo itself is worth 20 times the value.
like the strat that bob used at his first acoustic/electric concert that went for 965 000 dollars....
etc etc etc
are they worth it , absolutely not...are ppl prepared to pay it in the hope somebody someday pays more for it, absolutely yes.
That's more lineage than it is mojo though, I mean blackie has a history, it doesn't sound better or worse than another nice strat, there's no imperceptible supernatural force that makes it somehow greater than any other nice strat, it's just passed through the hands of some well known players.
Mojo is just a term used by people who spend way too much money on old stuff to try and give it an edge, for instance I have in my lifetime gotten to play 3 different examples of real 60's strats, and given the choice I'd rather have a modern custom shop strat because in general many of the top tier custom shops I've played absolutely wiped the floor with the old ones in terms of resonance, playability and functionality. Either that or I'd take the 60's strat, sell it for a buttload and buy myself a fleet of modern 7 strings like Strandbergs, Onis and Toones ?
I'm just saying at least this dude isn't trying to act like some inexplicable force makes this tubescreamer somehow better than all other tube screamers, it's just expensive because of it's history nothing more ?