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Courtesy of V8. Everyone, a round of applause for this fella :applause:

Take a nursery rhyme and make it cool; or
Write your own nursery rhyme.

Rules: One instrument track - though you can add a vocal track (freebie). 30s Max.

Guys, also note that PB is no longer sponsoring, or rather, I havn't re-negotiated the sponsorship as a result of the previous lack of participation, which clearly isn't the case anymore. But we doing well. Perhaps prizes put too much stress into the competition, and take the fun out of it.

Deadline: 20 August (anytime)
    20 August may be a bit tight. Can we maybe make it the 23rd or 24th?

    If not: To the "studio"!
      Adrian Rogowski wrote: Courtesy of V8. Everyone, a round of applause for this fella :applause:
      Haha, was unintentional teamwork. Let's say you set the intention by thinking about it and I typed it up.
      Hasie wrote: 20 August may be a bit tight. Can we maybe make it the 23rd or 24th?
      +1, two weekends to work on it would be cool?
        Nevermind. Hehe.
        Entry done. 8)
          Hasie wrote: Nevermind. Hehe.
          Entry done. 8)
          Hey no cheatin' ?!
            Also thought this entry would be easy.
            Easy is an understatement.
            This is a humbling experience and did my self confidence no good ?

            This little challenge again highlighted my lack in proper guitar and recording skills. :-[
            22 takes yesterday and every one sucks! NADA! Niks , ZIP >☹

            Most frustrating, one acoustic guitar, no percussion, the silent gaps in between chord and notes are deafening.

            I still have three days, else I can it
              Stoffeltoo wrote: This little challenge again highlighted my lack in proper guitar and recording skills. :-[
              22 takes yesterday and every one sucks! NADA! Niks , ZIP >☹

              Most frustrating, one acoustic guitar, no percussion, the silent gaps in between chord and notes are deafening.
              But you did learn something - that's a unmitigated win! Which, imho, is what the challenges is all about. Exercising creativity, listening, giving & receiving feedback...but No1. What did you learn/develop?

              P.s. Silence (space) is music. There wouldn't be rhythm without it. Unless you are a big white noise fan that is... ?
                V8 wrote:
                Stoffeltoo wrote: This little challenge again highlighted my lack in proper guitar and recording skills. :-[
                22 takes yesterday and every one sucks! NADA! Niks , ZIP >☹

                Most frustrating, one acoustic guitar, no percussion, the silent gaps in between chord and notes are deafening.
                But you did learn something - that's a unmitigated win! Which, imho, is what the challenges is all about. Exercising creativity, listening, giving & receiving feedback...but No1. What did you learn/develop?

                P.s. Silence (space) is music. There wouldn't be rhythm without it. Unless you are a big white noise fan that is... ?
                Yes, embrace the silences. It is really hard in the beginning to not play at every opportunity, but it is important to also stop playing. This is why listening to the blues and jazz greats is so important for guitar players.
                  This was a great first time challenge. Not satisfied with the quality but the process was fun regardless. I'm definitely gonna start participating in more competitions.

                    It was fun for me as well.

                    Took me 5 hours to record, cut off the edges and create an mp3 for 16 seconds of nursery rhyme.
                      I'm glad!

                      I think the deadline is good. It puts us all out of our comfort zone. If you know you only have a really short time to do something, you will make the most of that time. Trust me.
                        Adrian Rogowski wrote: Trust me.
                        I'll have these words echoing through in my teeny head at 23h59 on Thursday evening... ?

                        Have family visiting till Thursday morn, so not much time as I would like.
                          Aikona, I don't think I'll get this one done. Working on something else while the motivation is still hot.

                            Got the entries. Thanks. Will deal with them later
                              Adrian Rogowski wrote: Got the entries. Thanks. Will deal with them later
                              Hey...we still got 15h42m!
                                Aaaannndd, it's in. Sheeeesssh...such rusty playing :-\
                                  About to send mine in... wait! ?
                                    V8 wrote:
                                    Adrian Rogowski wrote: Got the entries. Thanks. Will deal with them later
                                    Hey...we still got 15h42m!
                                    Oh, haha, sorry. You're right. Well I bet that got you hustling ?
                                      Adrian Rogowski wrote:
                                      V8 wrote:
                                      Adrian Rogowski wrote: Got the entries. Thanks. Will deal with them later
                                      Hey...we still got 15h42m!
                                      Oh, haha, sorry. You're right. Well I bet that got you hustling ?
                                      Heh-heh, it did indeed. 40mins from idea to render. New record... 8)