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I've put all entrants into the same voting page now, to generate more interaction. I must say, these are cooooool entries. So we have 3 votes per category, but seeming as Hasie is in his own category, by default he wins - but that doesn't mean we shouldn't listen critically and offer tips and tricks where we can


[b]Hasie - "Jack's Journey" [/b]http://guitarforum.co.za/gfsacomps/mp3s/Hasie.mp3

[i]Screwed over by Aku, the Samurai seeks his way back to the past to stop the evil Aku. This one is for Samurai Jack. I called it “Jack’s Journey”.

Recording setup: LTD M-10 -> Yamaha THR10 -> Cubase AI[/i]


[b]G-man - "Tardy Man"[/b] http://guitarforum.co.za/gfsacomps/mp3s/G-man.mp3

[i]the Super Hero in question is Tardy Man, this is the theme song that plays when he is late for work or trying to make it to the bottle store before they close. He uses his super powers of inconsiderate driving and illegal parking to achieve these ends.[/i]

[b]iainrossouw - "Hero Theme"[/b] http://guitarforum.co.za/gfsacomps/mp3s/iainrossouw.mp3

[i]I started this composition by putting a basic chord structure together to last a minute and improvised over it until I found something that might work. Then I arranged it to suit that melody I chose. I have transcribed the melody as well and it is available if you want it. I am using Cakewalk 8 on Windows 8 and used Cool Edit Pro (very old version) to remove clicks and pops. I play a western guitar.[/i]

[b]Tokyopop - "Vigilante"[/b] http://guitarforum.co.za/gfsacomps/mp3s/TokyoPop.mp3

[i]This is a theme for DC's cowboy superhero, Vigilante. The gun-singling, whip-cracking one from the Justice League, not the gimp that got his costume from some underground S&M club and throws jagged sex toys at criminals before restraining them with pink, fluffy cuffs.[/i]


[b]V8- "Hulk Smash"[/b] http://guitarforum.co.za/gfsacomps/mp3s/V8.mp3

[i]Hulk Smash - Faced by adversity...Dr Bruce Banner turns into the Hulk in the intro, beats the dickens out of a private army in a montage of mayhem and reverts back to Dr Banner in the outro wondering, "what. just. happened."?

A old tune from the archives. Drums, bass guitar, rhythm & lead guitar(s). Much delay and fuzz with a liberal sprinkling of wah. No synths or samples were harmed (or used) this month =D[/i]

[b]studmissle- "Nothing but a long line of mistakes"[/b] http://guitarforum.co.za/gfsacomps/mp3s/studmissle.mp3

[i]My 5c, bit of a rush job! More Punisher than Superman?[/i]

(old forum) Poll Results: please vote

  • Hasie: 9
  • iainrossouw: 2
  • G-man: 4
  • Tokyopop: 12
  • V8: 5
  • studmissle: 10
    Can't wait to get home to listen to them all and vote. Too many eyes peeking over the cubicle walls to sit and listen to them. ?
      Damn, all great entries! I can't decide who to vote for.
        Will listen when I get home. d(^_^)b
          Outstanding entries! :goodtimes:

          Really liked "Vigilante" by Tokyopop and "Nothing but a long line of mistakes" by studmissile.
          They sounded well refined and suited their heroes.
            Cant get G-Man and V8 recordings to load. Adrian can you check in the interest of fairness please?
              Stoffeltoo wrote: Cant get G-Man and V8 recordings to load. Adrian can you check in the interest of fairness please?
              Also had the same problem, but click the red links underneath that worked for me?

              Great turn out and great entries!
                Stoffeltoo wrote: Cant get G-Man and V8 recordings to load. Adrian can you check in the interest of fairness please?
                If I click on links, it opens a separate tab and works. But, the little mp3 player no longer shows on myside, I don't know if that feature has been disabled, or if my computer is acting up (its been doing that recently, that is why I never said anything)
                  All the entries are great. Love the smoothness and transitions in studmissile"s piece.
                    EPIC Entries!!! WOW!!!
                    Adrian Rogowski wrote:
                    Stoffeltoo wrote: Cant get G-Man and V8 recordings to load. Adrian can you check in the interest of fairness please?
                    If I click on links, it opens a separate tab and works. But, the little mp3 player no longer shows on myside, I don't know if that feature has been disabled, or if my computer is acting up (its been doing that recently, that is why I never said anything)
                    For anyone that is battling... Try right click on the red link and select "save as..." then save the mp3 on your pc and listen from there.
                      The last 2 didn't work for me when I took a listen but the others did. No idea what's going on to be honest.

                      But yeah, open the red link in a new tab or save the mp3. That still works normally.
                        Hasie - Rad tune. I could easily see a Samurai Jack scene going down in my mind's eye.

                        G-Man - I have no idea who the hell Tardy Man is but your theme fits your description perfectly. I got a twisted Metalocalypse vibe from it.

                        IainRossouw - Nice tune. Very national anthem-esque I thought and probably fits perfectly with patriotic heroes from the really early, original comics. Like what fellow soldiers might have played when Captain America came back home after taking out taking Hitler. A bit too merry though IMO, but otherwise good stuff.

                        V8 - Immediate blast from the past. It reminded me of toons like Biker Mice From Mars.

                        Studmissile - Awesome as always and definitely more Punisher than Superman.

                          Thanks for the great crits TokyoPOP. I'll check the Merry thing. Probably needs more serious and majestic. mmmm. The right kind of intervals in the melody is probably the key.
                            Grand entries all,

                            My feedback (aka 2c) on the entries :

                            Hasie : I reckon the progression has serious superhero potential! But it was 2:22...about +/- 1m too long. What daw are you using (if one at all?), next time a multitrack production with some drums/percussion next time would be sweet.

                            ianrossouw : Did you have a (super) Hero in mind when you composed? I can hear a lot of work within the arrangement - though the midi keys & timpani drums weren't quite working together in the last 20s?

                            G-man : 80's trash metal...FTW! Sounded epically garage-y. Tardyman plays at 220+bpm, haha. Some serious chops you're developed - awesome!

                            TokyoPop : Dug the combo of electric & acoustic on this track - all coming together very nicely. Can hear the effort you've been putting into recording over the last few months. The shreddy parts reminded me of anime style soundtracks.

                            Sutdmissile : Tasty slide playing! For me, leaning more towards punisher than stuporman. One crit...boring drums! Some variations in the drums, pretty please - could added some much with a few cymbals &/or fills. I guess I'm sounding a lot like a broken record by now... :?
                              V8 wrote: reminded me of anime style soundtracks.
                              Thanks! As an anime fan with a username based on a manga website, I take that as high praise.
                                Thanks for the feedback Tokyopop and V8.

                                I used Cubase AI, which I got with my amp, but I am still totally useless at using it. I just started with the Intro to Music Production course on Coursera and will hopefully learn something I can apply in future. I will check the length of my entry more carefully next time.
                                  Congratulations Tokyopop and Studmissile. Well deserved.
                                    Hasie wrote: Congratulations Tokyopop and Studmissile. Well deserved.
                                    And congratz to Hasie too ?

                                    Nice one guys - till the next challenge! Perhaps we sneak in another weekly one somewhere this month?
                                      Congrats to the winners and to all those who took the time to enter.