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Since my mid teens I've always been a rock music fanatic. However over the years, I set aside my prejudices and took an interest in other genres, and must admit I've been pleasantly surprised.

One such group, who through hard work gained international recognition and stardom, are the Gipsy Kings.

They are a fascinating band and their musicianship is arguably second to none. Their solo guitarist Tonino Baliardo, is in my opinion, a master of the guitar. One of my favourite songs of theirs is called; Passion. Here is the link.

So outside of your favourite genre, which others do you like, and why?
    Hank Marvis type music, cool and generally pleasing to most ears. He has been an inspiration to many lead guitarists and rhythm fundi's as well
      Can't say I have a favourite genre. I like playing the bluesy stuff, that's probably because the guitar + blues just work. But I'll listen to almost anything.

      I usually can find something in every genre that I really enjoy - except german overly synth-y techno or anything that has 'rave' in the genre - there's just no excuse for that noise. ?

      It surprised me, but I even found something I enjoy in the classical arena. There's something about Itzhak Perlman's playing that astounds me.

        I like the Gypsy Kings. During the 70's my dad had an album called Opera's of the 70's by Waldo Delos Rios which I enjoyed, Sunday mornings on Springbok radio they had the Mormon tabernacle choir. I really enjoy folk, Celtic and Scottish music as well. But I too am deeply seated in rock and dabbling in blues
          Thanks for your reply's folks. Excellent video V8.
            anything hillbilly
              Love Gypsy Kings, In fact I'm crazy for latin/spanish music and artists! in particular fernando echavarria la familia andre, love all their stuff


                I can find enjoyment in almost any guitar-centric music.

                Traditionally a fan of straight rock and metal, I've come to enjoy a lot of indie, folk and alternative stuff.

                I got into dubstep for about 15 minutes in 2012.
                  Yip, great topic ?

                  Seems like all the syncopated stuff I like (funk, "djent", dubstep) could never seem to figure what it was that I liked. Thinking back even the Metal songs I only liked for the middle 8 break down sections with outside beat playing ( switching the down to up for the syncopated sound, then switching back in beat)

                  Trying to play different instruments like drums works great for "stuck in a rut phase" - found a guy named Benny Greb, man he has style ?

                    One thing I don't listen to enough of is hip-hop (because I grew up with all the anti-'rap' prejudice among rockers). I have Public Enemy's Fear of a Black Planet, which is brilliant, and I've had the odd thing on compilations like Snoop-Dog's Gin and Juice which I loved. But generally I need to give it more time.

                    The other thing is African music of various kinds. I love all kinds of artists when I hear them, but I never seek it out. Again, unconscious prejudice, I think. People like Salif Keita and Fela Kuti are mind-bending and I should listen to more. Not to mention a variety of pop and jazz artists from SA and abroad.

                    Otherwise I listen to just about everything besides electronic music and metal. And I do have Metallica's Ride the Lightning on my ipod, and can play the lick from Seek and Destroy, so that's something ?

                    Oh. I guess S. American music is also on the edge of my radar for more listening - particularly Brazilian stuff.

                    It does bug me when I spend too much time listening to '60s blues-rock and folk. To write interesting music you *need* to listen widely. Otherwise you end up sounding like a knock-off.
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