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Good day

i don't post much , but read a lot of the post.
i like the place a lot cause you get such help from people who knows the product and dont just want to sell it.

i was wondering if (and this is just an idea) the admin can make an area where you can post loops or backtracks you make to sell or just to download to help other members and that would bring in a lot of new people.

as far as i know south africa doesn't have a place like that and to find loops or backtracks for south africa music like boremusiek for example is a nightmare.

with the loops people can show off their new gear and let people know exactly how it sounds.
i don't say make it a shop but a place to search easy for stuff under genre or a certain member.

all this to help each other of getting better and with that alot off new question will come like how did you get the sound off that or what were you using.

this is just an idea??????
    There is a section here http://www.guitarforum.co.za/clips-for-review/ where you can do exactly that. You are not, however, allowed to advertise things, except in the classifieds and even there I think you can't advertise your products, only gear to sell or buy.

    If you mean something like soundcloud but where you can share and sell music, there's a lot of that out there and making such a thing for this website would prob require quite a lot of work.
      ez wrote: There is a section here http://www.guitarforum.co.za/clips-for-review/ where you can do exactly that. You are not, however, allowed to advertise things, except in the classifieds and even there I think you can't advertise your products, only gear to sell or buy.

      If you mean something like soundcloud but where you can share and sell music, there's a lot of that out there and making such a thing for this website would prob require quite a lot of work.
      its a nightmare to find something there its not sorted at all and yea it will take alot off work but it will bring in alot of new people i think.

      try find good south African stuff on sound cloud?
        I see what you mean.

        Developing that application is not an overnight job (source: This is my day job), and it will require a lot of thinking about licensing and what to do when people upload pirated music etc. I'm willing to put money on the fact that Norio won't be too keen on allowing that sort of thing for fear of legal issues, and I would agree. The clips section and the competitions already doesn't strictly allow us to upload covers of songs, for exactly that reason.

        Maybe there is a way we can have a better search facility for the clips section and a way to tag each post with a number of keywords e.g. genre, length, author etc.

          ez wrote: I see what you mean.

          Developing that application is not an overnight job (source: This is my day job), and it will require a lot of thinking about licensing and what to do when people upload pirated music etc. I'm willing to put money on the fact that Norio won't be too keen on allowing that sort of thing for fear of legal issues, and I would agree. The clips section and the competitions already doesn't strictly allow us to upload covers of songs, for exactly that reason.

          Maybe there is a way we can have a better search facility for the clips section and a way to tag each post with a number of keywords e.g. genre, length, author etc.

          i understand like i said its just an idea
          the loop thing will still be pretty awesome !!
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