Ahh, thanks for that - a bit of reminder, I'd seen him before but forgot about him - I recall seeing the glove and having a chuckle. Watched the rig overview, he makes tones like I wanna hear - tried out a few in guitar rig, hmmm lotsa synth-y goodness. :?
Chocklit_Thunda wrote:
First thing for me would be to practice would be finger technique. Alternating between index and middle like a walking motion while doing pentatonics and scales works well.
I trimmed off my index & middle fingernails yesterday (sniff-sniff) and I'm getting closer to what I was hoping for. Been working on a two finger tech for a while now - getting better, slowly but surely. Still a while away from what I can get going with a pick though.
Chocklit_Thunda wrote:
As for the bass itself, I'd try something with 2 pickups (preferably different ones for versatility)
My GB35-A uses a jazz pickup and a Musicman Humbucker, has an active high and low boost concentric pot and a blend pot for the pickups. lets you take the sound anywhere you want with just a few minor adjustments
My hohner isn't bad at all - I just find the neck a tad chunky. What I do like is the dead quiet (if bland) pups & the active/passive switch - if the 9V is flat you can still use the bass - similar to yours (I guessed it was a Cort =).