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Hey Guys.

I am thinking of doing Unisa music course in my spare time to get my guitar playing up a bit, but it is really hard to find info about it.

Has anyone here done it before? Is this only a yearly thing or can you also do it from the middle of the year as the rest of Unisa's courses?

I got till here http://www.unisa.ac.za/default.asp?Cmd=ViewContent&ContentID=159 but that does not provide a lot of information.

Any feedback or help would be appreciated.

    Looks like there are two periods in a year you can do music examinations, if you look at this:

    And these announcements:
    Closing dates for first session music examination registrations: 6 March 2015 for Practical examinations and 20 March 2015 for Theory of Music examinations

    Closing dates for second session music examination registrations: 5 May 2015 for Practical examinations and 19 May 2015 for Theory of Music examinations

    Gotta work the internet on the Google machine... ?
      Yeah i got that, i think i phrased my question wrong. Can you study this at Unisa as a course and they give you study material to teach you or is it simply a way for you to test your skills where you say ok i want to take the test.
        As far as I know, you must get a pvt teacher or music school for lessons. They will be abke to tell you wheh you are ready for prqctical. Theory books you can usually buy directly from music shops. Maybe call or email a music school that offers unisa training and exams to get all the details.
          I did Violin and Music Theory through Unisa.

          Basically (the way it is usually done) you take lessons from a third party, and just do the examinations/certifcations through Unisa.

          For the practical, for every grade (1-8) they have a Syllabus with a list of things you might be asked to do in the practical exam (Scales, Arpeggios, Sight-Reading and so on). Then there are a few (usually 4) "prepared" pieces which you need to learn and play in the practical exam. With the pre-prepared pieces you usually have a choice of a few different ones (3 or 4 for each) and you pick the ones you want to do.

          That is anyway the way I remembered it when I did my Violin exams ten years ago ? I hope that helps but if I were you I would get in contact with a teacher that teaches the Unisa material who will probably be able to be more definitive / clear / confirm.
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