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Hey guys. So I acquired 2 more guitars.
A santa fe semi acoustic and a classical from the 80's.
Now they both need some love and i need some advice. on the semi acoustic the strings are so tight that i struggle with f barre chord. You seriously need to grip this like a vice grip to get some clean tones.
I've never owned a steel acoustic so not sure if this is normal.
On my electric, you simply touch the strings for clean tone.
Can i have the same feel on the semi?

Then the classical has not been played in 20 years. It belonged to my wife's late mother. Still have string on. What worries me is that the action is almost 1cm. Its unplayable. Could it be that the the neck has bent upwards?
The saddle does seem to be too high as well.

Could these two jobs be done by a novice, or is this luthier territory?
    I think it would be best if you take it to someone for a proper setup. It really does make a big difference. Steel string acoustics generally are a little harder on the fingers in my experience, especially if you're used to playing only electric. But take it for a proper setup. That will optimize playability.
      Consider putting lighter gauge strings on the steel string, just to get our hand and fingers stronger. Once it is easy for you to fret everything cleanly and easily, you can go for a heavier gauge again.

      I agree with Neil on taking it for a proper setup.
      At most shops, of you buy strings, they will put it on for you and do a setup.
        Like Hasie said, get some lighter gauge strings it might take some of tension off of your fingers, but with that 1cm action you def want to get that neck adjusted, chek some youtube/online tutorials if you dont know how to do your own setups or setup an acoustic guitar.
        Always best to learn how to do these things yourself. Its not rocket science XD and will just save you money, I get that some people cant do their own fret levels/crowns but some truss rod adjustment and intonation adjustment should be second nature to any guitar player, not saying you cant to it ?
        Bridges on an acoustic can be lowered as well so a guitar tech that knows his stuff can do that for you easily or you can go DIY via google search.
        Either way there is hope if the guitar is not totally warped or something! We hope not! ?
          Thanks for the advice guys. Will start with lighter strings, and maybe check to see if the action can drop a further 0.5mm without introducing fret trebble
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