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  • Events
  • Tony Cox & Steve Newman Guitar Camp (24-27 April in Greyton)


Just saw this on Facebook, looks like a smashing weekend. Super grumpy that I can't attend... ☹


What: Tony Cox and Steve Newman - Guitar Camp Greyton EcoLodge
When: 24 - 27 April 2015
Booking: Go here for all booking and other details: www.tonycoxguitarlessons.co.za/events.html

Steve Newman and Tony Cox are two of the most widely renown acoustic guitar players in South Africa today and this amazing opportunity to learn from them in the intimate and beautiful setting of the Ecolodge in Greyton www.ecolodgegreyton.co.za, should not be missed by anyone keen on becoming a good guitar player. The camp is open to anyone of any level. For a reduced fee, family members or friends who are not enrolled can come along too.

The guitar camp will begin on Friday the 24th of April with a show by the two masters that evening. This is a rare show together and tickets will go fast so be sure to book early. Those enrolling for the guitar camp and arriving on Friday, will have free access to this show....

    I'm actually just about to make payment for this event.
    Really looking forward to this!
      I would strongly recommend this.
      I am doing my best to scrape together the cash to get there, tho I'll not feel too disappointed if I don't, seeing as I have a weekly lesson with Tony anyway.

      If you have any interest in finger picking (even on your electric) I'd give this a serious look.
        17 days later
        I had the pleasure of seeing them play together a few years ago, once in East London and again at the Graham's Town Art Festival that same year. Incredible musicians.
          a month later
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