Quinlan Kok wrote:
Any advice on compression would be great and also reverb including plugins - and would you place the reverb on the specific drum channel or route a separate bus dedicated for reverb to save headroom?
Dedicated bus to reverb, then run the drums of your choice such as snare through that bus, in the total mix you'll end up putting your vocals and guitar through that bus as well. The reverb in this case is meant to act like a glue making everything sound like it's in the same room, unless being used as an effect, as such you'll send all required instruments through it and mix the amount of it they each have individually.
Running cymbals and Toms and Snare works great through it, though you may want to have a low pass on cymbals to knock off any excessive harshness in the top end, with kick I'm in two minds cause it sounds good if you run a slight amount of it through said reverb but can also lose some impact so it depends if you're going for a modern airy vibe or a more impacting in your face vibe as without the reverb you can compress the kick a bit more and it tends to have quite a lot of weight to it that way.
I am by no means an expert, I have done a lot of scouring through the internet in search of tips and advice though. Here are some of the threads I found most beneficial to learning about this stuff:
If you can find a freeware impulse loader then I guarantee using impulse reverbs will sound better than literally anything else you could use, it also works well for cabinet modelling if you want to go through the effort of learning how, you can get some incredible results without ever using a microphone ?
Here is the youtube channel of a dude who's put up an entire guide on the various steps of what goes into a recording project for modern metal:
Some really useful insights there.
Anyhoo, hope that helps! ?