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My first guitar was LTD MH-50 ?
    Starfire Acoustic guitar... still have it. It cost like R350 when my folks got it for my for Christmas one year. After that I bought a squier bullet strat.
      A Pearl River acoustic, but it was my sister's when she was in college. She barely played, though, so I picked it up and taught myself to play.
        MIM Strat. Still my only electric.
          Saxon les paul copy. After that a Westone Rainbow II semi-accoustic which I still regret selling.
            A second hand 3/4 size Gallo with a cowboy scene painted on it.
              A cort X-6... I had such a hard time getting it right because when I got it, the floyd rose was standing like 2cm in the air. I dont know how the previous owner was able to play it at all... Of course i didnt know what the hell was going on and i couldn't keep the guitar in tune at all. Needless to say it kinda took me 6 months before i started playing properly. Today i still have the guitar, but i haven't played it in years. I actually want to sell it just to get rid of it.
                Kiddie size sonata accoustic 1963, still remember my poor fingers. ?
                  My first guitar, which I bought in 1957 from a friend who didn't want to learn to play, was a TREK acoustic. I was 11 years old and used my saved-up pocket money and bought it for 10 shillings and 6 pence including a tuition book.
                    First guitar was an xmas present from my father (I'd badgered my parents about wanting a guitar for ages), I was 10 years old, an entry-level Aria acoustic. My first electric I got when I was 13, bought with saved up pocket money, it was a candy apple red Hohner HSS Strat copy. I sold the electric a couple of years later but the Aria acoustic, a little worse for wear after nearly 30 years, is with a mate's father in the UK.
                      Epiphone Les Paul Special II, circa 2005. Still got it and it's still awesome.
                        Nylon string acoustic no name brand, then my mom bought me an entry level steel string Yamaha for my birthday for R150 back in 1977!!
                        We didn't save up pocket money in those days Pete
                        Sadly the nylon string was broken in half (I ran through a door with it) and the Yamaha was stolen, otherwise I would still be playing them.
                          A Valencia acoustic for ten shillings bought from a girl by the name of Karen Frost. Her brother went into the army, and she wanted to buy stockings - sooo - done deal.
                          First electric was a homemade bass, followed by a homemade fender shaped solid body which i still have. First electric that i bought was a Hofner with lots of dials and switches and things that looked gooooooood.
                            Mine was an Aria AF-15 Acoustic, still have it. Plays beautifully, doubt I'll ever let it go.
                              I learned to play on my brother's collection of no name guitars in my mid teens. My first guitar I bought was 10 years later, my Jumbo Ibanez box I still own and love
                                I think it was a Hondo acoustic , or something with a similar name. Action high enough to use as a tightrope and after I sanded it down to stain it black (not refinished, just sanded down and stained... ☹ ? ) used mainly as a closet ornament until I gave it away.

                                First real guitar was an Ibanez Concord model 77. I finally learned to play on it and don't think I will ever sell it.
                                  My dad bought me a 3/4 Bell-tone classical guitar when i was about 6 years old. I still have it. after that when i was about 14 i bought myself a stagg acoustic from music fest. my first electric was a Ibanez exr170 which i got when i was about 19. after that everything turned a bit cloudy haha. I still have the Bell -tone though..
                                    Technically it was a nylon acoustic lent to me by my grandmother, which my friend broke over my elbow after i attacked him duiring some roughhousing, we were 10 or something like that.

                                    My actual 1st guitar was a Hondo "blackie strat" type guitar with a wayward G string that I bought mice elf with what felt like a million years of pocket money. I visited the shop every week while I saved up to check it was still there.

                                    I liked that guitar, I got it when i was 13 i think. It made it through my 1st serious band and i lived with it in my hands.
                                    I sold it when i was about 24 for R100 more than i bought it for.