IceCreamMan wrote:
just a word of caution, that 10 year old is gonna kick yr ass...make peace with it now 8)
Urgh, I know. They are like irritating high pitched sponges at that age. I can only hope that I am more motivated, being that this is an entirely one sided competition. At least I know for a fact that we sing equally awful. Small comfort.
beardedmoose wrote:
Whats up Lindles, You are the most comitted person i know.. practice before work? Well done , keep it up and shout if you have any woes.
Welcome to the jungle
It's pretty much the only time the house is empty and I can suck without feeling everyone's judgement. Which they are probably not doing, being that none of them can play anything either, but I am still convinced I feel it. Possibly because I have issues.
And now I'm going to have Welcome to the jungle in my head all day.
Ooh, new development on my road of learning: today I have learned that amps are doggone heavy. And I learned this by dropped it on my foot. Knob side first. Perhaps I shouldn't play barefoot anymore.
Thanks for all the welcomes! I think I'm gonna like it here. Think I'm gonna feel like I belong... and now the ear worm is Welcome to my nightmare. Why I do these things to myself? *headesk*