I recently recorded an arrangement of the Game of Thrones' theme, and I would be grateful if you guys could check it out and tell me what you think about it : ) I'm fairly new to recording and I don't know much about mixing / mastering, so if you notice something that's bad considering these, feel free to point it out !
Sweet arrangement man, For a beginner I must say the recording is really good, much better than what I managed to patch together. Given my limited beginner recording skills I would probably just fine tune the equalizer. cut the low and high ends of the rhythm and lead so that they pop more. Hard to give a value frequancy tends to be a listen and feel thing Ive noticed.
I havent gotten the nick of mastering yet so cant say much on that.
Thanks man, glad you liked it ? I've already put an high pass filtrer on the rythm guitars but I haven't yet touched the high end, I guess that'll be something I gotta try next time ; )
I have also been working my way through this song of late...tho with an acoustic guitar.
I was trying to work it out and arrange it myself, until I realized that Sungha Jung had done it already (of course he had: ) and likely a better arrangement than mine, so I kinda integrated the two and now am trying to get it down.
@Stephanel - really liked your rendition the theme song melody really lingers on in your mind after the music has stopped.... love it
@Shibs..... dont feel bad man, Sungha Jung has more music ability in his pinky that my whole family put together, a true child prodigy ..... aaaagh makes me sic up and fed
That's a fantastic rendition dude, I much prefer your electric version to the actual TV Series one, I would have actually watched first 5 minutes of the series if it had started out with such metal, alas, no time for TV.
StephaneL, that was truly inspiring. I second one of the posters - how did this not go viral?!? Perhaps ... some famous scenes from the show overlayed with your video, hmm?