So if there is a guitar that I regret selling, it would be my Ibanez RG7321 7 string. I really miss having that something different.
So over the last couple of years I have been planning on replacing it. So I started researching 7 strings and what is out there. Then I started reading about 8 strings and started checking out the RG8 which seemed like a good idea.
So yesterday I went to a guitar shop which was advertising the RG8 but didn't have any in stock. I then saw this RGIR28FE. It was marked down to the similar price of the RG8 and I have always loved the way binding looks on an Ibanez RG. Its also got EMG pickups in it.
So after a few years I finally replaced my Ibanez 7 string with this beauty.
I couldn't be happier!