The beauty with Slate's samples is they have been recorded so well, and leave the mixing to the user. Sounds good. Hats sound a tad harsh in the highs in the mixed version to me (perhaps it works in the mix?), but the snare and kick are really powerful.
Do you apply reverb to the individual drum tracks or do you bus it? I came across a free reverb plug called Ambience by Magnus Smartelectronix. Not being an expert at verbs, I used the preset 'Pady - Drums Easy', and it sounds great to me right out the box. I guess the snare I should consider applying it's own reverb, but I haven't done that much lately, as I don't like overly wet snares.
As you know, I'm a huge Steven Slate fan, and I cannot wait for this:
I have more plugins than I could ever hope to use in a lifetime, but I know I won't be able to stop myself from buying it.
I bussed all the drums and then just slapped some gated plate verb set to 12% (I think), usually I'll end up having a "SnareVerb" buss though, once all the guitars are destroying everything you usually end up needing more.
I haven't really felt the urge to get any Slate plugins yet but this seems like it might be worth it especially since you're supposed to be able to run VCC in it as well, I like the idea of having a super channel-strip and saving the whole thing as a preset (even though in Reaper that's already possible)