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Hi guys

I wanted to ask your guys advice on how to approach companies and music stores for potential endorsement/ sponsorships.

Things are going quicker and better than we could have ever imagined with my new band, getting very positive response at gigs and such! So we feel we need to move forward

We have an album on the way (october release) - which we need support with, and we have a pretty exciting and unique brand of music that we feel we can very far with.

Our drummer specifically is very low on finances and plays shows with 3 badly cracked cymbals ☹ so we hoping to get a music store to sponsor him some cymbals in light of our album recording… We are the first band recording at the brand new, multi million rand Cape Audio College studios, so I think an endorsement can benefit the sponsor well with publicity around that and having their products showcased amongst all that fantastic gear.

So what are the best ways to get organised and out there - press kits, etc? I have some days off this week where i will go out - probably to Marshall Music and Bothners…

Lastly - As some of you may recall from another thread - Our bands name is OhGod! which some of you mentioned that we will have major difficulty in getting commercial backing by companies. There band was not amped to change the name as our fans dig it and we already have a steady following in Cape Town.

So we see this as an opportunity to see whether or not that will be true or not… if a music store doesn't have a problem supporting us then we can close the name debacle chapter.. but if its a major hinderance, then obviously we will reconsider!

Looking forward to hearing your advice! ?


    Alos does anyone have any links for cool press kit templates? starting to compile and EPK tomorrow!
      Hey man,

      I think I have you on FB so if you wanna chat about this stuff throw me a PM there ?

      I am a bit of a cynic so I don't really wanna talk about it on a public forum as I'll just come across bad but there are some reasons as to why I may have some useful info ?
        Ah man Chad, I would have loved to hear your views! ?
          studmissile wrote: Ah man Chad, I would have loved to hear your views! ?
          Me too... I'm keen to hear how one goes about or what you have tried that has failed...I dig hearing "music industry stories".

          I'd love to make a living off music... But I need more practice and more importantly... Better connections... lol
            Chad Adam Browne wrote: I am a bit of a cynic so I don't really wanna talk about it on a public forum as I'll just come across bad but there are some reasons as to why I may have some useful info ?
            Nothing wrong with a cynic, though I also try & keep my own cynicism on the dl.

            I'm interested to hear your experiences/opinions.
              V8 wrote:
              Chad Adam Browne wrote: I am a bit of a cynic so I don't really wanna talk about it on a public forum as I'll just come across bad but there are some reasons as to why I may have some useful info ?
              Nothing wrong with a cynic, though I also try & keep my own cynicism on the dl.

              I'm interested to hear your experiences/opinions.
              Man, cynicism is what's missing in music!
                I used to work for a company that does Distribution of instruments and did endorse people etc I didn't work in Marketing but worked with them on occasions handling endorsee's goods etc.

                The most important factor when trying to get an endorsement is to try and show how your endorsement will end up generating interest in their brand and products. The ultimate truth of the matter is that you're a South African musician and your endorsement will have basically no effect on these things at all, so from the get go you're essentially worthless.

                Now this isn't to say they're not willing to endorse people, as they do, and they also do a lot for the local industry, they care a great deal about helping out where they can, the problem lies with the public really. The hype factor of items and brands in the S.A music scene is basically dominated by the overseas market. The average person will go out and see a dude rocking a guitar and fronting for the brand but it'll have very little to almost no effect on that brand's sales locally, then a big name star appears on some sort of medium, be it a Youtube video or a performance at a big event and suddenly everyone and their uncle wants the guitar they saw said big name using. Appearing with a music store's brands at a newly decked studio with a reputation isn't a bad thing to mention, but ultimately it's not going to influence sales, and sales are what keep these businesses going.

                Now that isn't to say you wouldn't have a chance, I've personally had the honour of sharing a stage with Ohgod! once and you guys are fantastic, in every way a possible credit to any endorsement roster. That being said it takes a lot to convince somebody who may have never even heard of you before that it would be a good move to endorse you, because in the back of their minds they know it won't really translate to anything for them, ultimately it's a "loss" in broad terms.

                Having a big and active fanbase gives you a good starting point, but it can't hurt to be able to offer things above and beyond that, for instance if you guys are well informed on the products you use and the things you do being able to do clinics at stores during their special periods is something worth adding to the list of why you're an asset. Having an active Youtube channel where you perhaps show tester videos of said gear, or do playthrough videos with the brands being present is another.

                Also bear in mind with endorsements you won't get anything for free, you may get really good deals price wise, and maybe they'll lend you some gear for the recording itself, but it's not a sponsorship.

                Regarding your name, a large amount of the business most music stores do in S.A is with churches and religious institutions, so changing it is probably a good idea as it could be seen as disrespectful.

                So in a nutshell give it a shot, you never know, the odds are not stacked in your favour but it can't hurt to ask, the people you'll be proposing it to do want to have a positive impact on the local scene but they've gotta be cautious with how they go about doing this.

                Good luck with it though, I can't even imagine how daunting it'll be to turn in a press kit and proposal and then have to sit around waiting while at the mercy of some unknown force and the difficult decisions they make. Thankfully I use a bunch of brands I know almost never actually give out endorsements, so I'll never be in that scenario ?
                  Ah thanks Chad that's some solid advice thanks man.

                  kind of what i was thinking anyway… I have mailed Marshall Music and manager is keen to see a press kit and I'm gonna pop in sometime and show face
                  will do the same for Bothners and such

                  Anyone know who to contact at bothners or any other stores?

                  Basically our main goal ATM is to get some discount on Cymbals, sticks and strings… we are very soon gonna be tracking our EP/album so the idea is we can make it publicised… with a video of us jamming and behind the scenes vid etc. so it could be benefit them in that way i guess

                  but good suggestion on adding extra to the table. i guess the main thing, is = how will it benefit them, so make that loud and clear.

                  Regarding name, i get the feeling that if we are bringing something to the table and representing value then it shouldn't be a problem… but ja true on the Church being a big bargaining power as well.. hmm - i guess this will be a good test.

                  Oh ja - remember our gig with you guys. was fun! we must jam again soon ?
                    Chad Adam Browne wrote: The most important factor when trying to get an endorsement is to try and show how your endorsement will end up generating interest in their brand and products. The ultimate truth of the matter is that you're a South African musician and your endorsement will have basically no effect on these things at all, so from the get go you're essentially worthless.
                    Thanks (& thanked) Chad - I didn't think your thoughts were cynical at all...merely pointing out the realities of being in the SA music market.

                    Your point on the size of the church/gospel market is a real good one, I've underestimated how active it is locally.
                    DrGonzo wrote: Basically our main goal ATM is to get some discount on Cymbals, sticks and strings… we are very soon gonna be tracking our EP/album so the idea is we can make it publicised… with a video of us jamming and behind the scenes vid etc. so it could be benefit them in that way i guess

                    but good suggestion on adding extra to the table. i guess the main thing, is = how will it benefit them, so make that loud and clear - See more at: http://www.guitarforum.co.za/general-music/sponsorship-endorsement-advice/?action=post;num_replies=8#top
                    I was thinking a little bit about how I'd approach it - Chad made many good points - the one that got me thinking a little was fanbase. E.g the guys at Dorje (Rod Chapman & Co.) have a cool youtube channel that keeps me coming back for more. : https://www.youtube.com/user/DorjeBand

                    I'd think the guys you approach are interested in what you can do for them - in a marketing/exposure way? So I'd try and highlight how I could exposure their brand to the public. E.g. Playing Festivals, regular gigs, appearances in publications/tv, etc... and how I'd present their brand (flyers, banners, website, blah, blah).

                    good luck Dr Gonzo!
                      Thanks for the info Myron, i got your mail…

                      So we got a cool press kit and have mail it and contacted graham from marshall, he is quite keen to hear it and have a chat it seems.

                      What other stores or establishments are there that i should maybe send out info?
                      anyone have a contact for Bothners..

                      oooh and buy the way, started tracking towards an album this past weekend and its sounding gorgeous if i do say so… we were very lucky and got a butt load of the nicest gear and mics to work on ? neumanns, aka, royers etc! so excited!
                        My best advice I can offer with regards to endorsements is to have a good idea of, and decide on who you want to use or work with? Throwing endorsement requests around willy nilly seems somewhat desperate, and makes you look cheap, and just after 'free stuff'. It is best to show some 'brand loyalty' and know what brands you want to use, as this will fall within the interests of the supplier. Then you have two ways of approaching things....

                        1) Approach the importer/Distributer/store that promotes those specific brands. Normally this ties you in to that specific stores group of brands, and often causes issues if you pursue endorsements with brands outside of their group.

                        2) Approach the actual brand directly, seeking an endorsement for that specific company. This shows more brand loyalty, and again suggests that you are not just looking to get 'free stuff'. Often, these companies will put you in touch with the local supplier and leave it up to them to decide if you are worth endorsing, and to decide what terms or level of endorsement they want to offer.

                        Hope that gives you some food for thought about how you approach things?

                          Ha !
                          firstly I would approach a top band or two at their shows and ask them what deal they get.
                          Then I'd guage my bands popularity,how long weve been around and albums sales.
                          Then i'd decide if its worth the petrol money and A4 paper...
                          Let us know how it goes...

                            a month later
                            Hey, so it seems before actually going out and punting for a sponsorship....

                            we have been offered a full endorsement from Paul Bothners 8) ? ?

                            When we brought up the "issue" of our name in the meeting this morning, they (well the MD of distribution) said that he loved the name, and didn't even think twice about it - So i guess that kind of cancels out that whole argument!

                            Its a small endorsement for now, with major discount on certain brands - bassist will be getting a full Cort Ambassadorship so he will get free guits. and its stuff like strings, picks and cables we get - In exchange for us being word of mouth ambassadors for Paul Bothner's and doing occasional workshops and such

                            exciting stuff

                              So you'll have to change your signature now to include 'Affiliations - Paul Bothners'. Now you can join me in never being able to mention anything associated with your endorsements, on this forum ever again! ?

                              Congrats on the endorsement.

                                :goodtimes: Congrats :goodtimes:
                                  Thanks guys!

                                  Cool well, he first needs to put some things in place and get confirmation and it will hopefully be finalised by the end of the week... but after this morn's meeting, im pretty sure they are very glad to have us on board. ?
                                    Norman86 wrote: :goodtimes: Congrats :goodtimes:
                                    Nice one :goodtimes:
                                      This is great news ? Congratulations dude ?
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