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I went through a Cort-phase when I was still in a band and needed gigging guitars. Couldn't bear taking some of my more exotic axes to gigs at that stage so I got these... I was pleasantly surprised by every one of them. They could easily have served as my main guitars to be honest. Glad I managed to ditch my brand name ego back then and experienced them for myself. It taught me a lot... Absolutely loved them!



S-Series (On a funky blanket, lol!)


G290 Custom

    ZarK wrote:
    G290 Custom

    I so badly want one of them :'(
      Opeth wrote: I so badly want one of them :'(
      ...but ...you've got one already? ?
        Alan Ratcliffe wrote: No longer mine, but still a great guitar. Cort GVT with Kinman Woodstocks, Gotoh bridge and Graph Tech Ghost piezos:

        This is a stunning guitar by all standards imho...
          There are some beautiful guitars here. Extremely underrated IMHO.
            ZarK wrote:
            Opeth wrote: I so badly want one of them :'(
            ...but ...you've got one already? ?

            I want one in that colour. :-[
            I'm guessing Cort just changed the name of the G290 to "Custom" for some weird reason.
              I love my Quilted Bubinga and this guitar has beautiful tone!

                Went hunting and realised I don't have a photograph of the Curbow 5 I sold a few years ago. It was a fantastic instrument, cleverly designed, innovative materials and much more versatile than it's looks suggest- palm muting with the treble boosted gives a convincing upright bass woody thump. All this with a resin composite body.

                Photo lifted from the interwebs:
                  peterleroux wrote: Went hunting and realised I don't have a photograph of the Curbow 5 I sold a few years ago. It was a fantastic instrument, cleverly designed, innovative materials and much more versatile than it's looks suggest- palm muting with the treble boosted gives a convincing upright bass woody thump.
                  I've always liked those too.
                  Opeth wrote: I'm guessing Cort just changed the name of the G290 to "Custom" for some weird reason.
                  IIRC, the 290 originally had a roller nut and Duncan pups. That changed over a few years and eventually was renamed the Custom (with a few more cosmetic changes).
                    a month later
                    So I got another Cort... :-[
                    I got it for a bargain so here she is :?
                    Cort KX1F

                      Here's a group photo of my Corts:

                      From L to R:

                      Cort X-9
                      Cort MMP II (#54 nogal)
                      Cort B4

                      I think these guitars are criminally underrated. I've played much more expensive guitars, and still have no urge to replace any of these three.

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