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I was at Braamfontein this morning checking out preparations for their upcoming annual sale...starting Saturday 29th, Sunday and Monday.

Before I carry on, no Tokais on this sale, no Tokais in the store on sale days...I removed them.

This is the craziest all goods must go sale I've ever seen, this is way beyond their normal annual sale.

I walked around with Gil, some of the things he showed me.
Ibanez Andy Timmons Signature, Retail 30K, on the sale 6K.
Ibanez Jem, same thing, Retail more than 30K, sale price 6K.
Tons of Ibanez guits at crazy prices like this.
Some Fenders at less 50%.

PA's, powered speakers, mixers, etc...reduced to insane prices.
There's stock from 4 to 6 years ago that's never been opened, sealed boxes.
I saw an Onyx mixer, was more than 30K, Gil said they'll sell it for 2K.
Studio Monitors, soundcards, you name it.

Marshall Amps, tons of them.
Cole Clark acoustics and all other acoustics.
Drum kits, Gil's a drummer and the Toms Sandton salesman in the drum department.
Tama kits so frikken cheap that I want to buy one for myself, even though I can't play drums.
30K Tama kits going for 10K.
There is a Tama Bubinga (spelling?) made in Japan custom kit, used to be about 80K, going for 10K.

It's going to be a war in that shop come sale day, take a helmet & a baseball bat with you. ?

Btw, Braamfontein used to be a bit of a shady area, not any more.
All the old buildings in the area have been turned into student apartments, the place now rocks, very cool vibe going on in the area these days...lot's of new coffee shops, restaurants, safe parking.
    Tokai SA wrote:
    Some Fenders at less 50%.
    Did you have to mention this??????
      Wow, sounds crazy. I wouldn't mind picking up that red EVH or a MIM Strat if I had spare cash ☹
        @ Lance; any hint of the two shops becoming one in the new Sunninghill store ?
          Attila Barath wrote: @ Lance; any hint of the two shops becoming one in the new Sunninghill store ?
          If it did, I'd be surprised, they have a very big market from the south who shop at Braamfontein.
          Only problem is parking!
            Is this one legit gonna be a proper sale? Because last year they sold dreams by the boat load but not much else because their prices were not that great.... :'(
            I'm hoping they're real about this.... My parents are asking what I want for my 21st ? lets hope I can find something here ? ?
              Is there any way to find out what they have on sale / prices, and would they ship out? Or is this a "be there in person" thing?

              Damn, wish we got this kind of thing locally. 10% off's a big deal here.
                Attila Barath wrote: @ Lance; any hint of the two shops becoming one in the new Sunninghill store ?
                Definitely not.
                Braamfontein does very well on it's own, the new Sunninghill store will be it's own Toms Sandton...it's a killer store in a great position.
                  Chocklit_Thunda wrote: Is this one legit gonna be a proper sale? Because last year they sold dreams by the boat load but not much else because their prices were not that great.... :'(
                  Compared to free I guess their prices weren't great...do you want free gear on a sale? ?
                  I've been to all Toms sales over the last 5 years, the prices were always great.
                  At Braamfontein in 2012 there was an Ibanez JS1200 (Japan) , Burnt Blue, brand new, for R7,000.00...that's ridiculous.
                    Banditman wrote: Is there any way to find out what they have on sale / prices, and would they ship out? Or is this a "be there in person" thing?

                    Damn, wish we got this kind of thing locally. 10% off's a big deal here.
                    "In person" thing. ?
                      Tokai SA wrote:
                      Chocklit_Thunda wrote: Is this one legit gonna be a proper sale? Because last year they sold dreams by the boat load but not much else because their prices were not that great.... :'(
                      Compared to free I guess their prices weren't great...do you want free gear on a sale? ?
                      I've been to all Toms sales over the last 5 years, the prices were always great.
                      At Braamfontein in 2012 there was an Ibanez JS1200 (Japan) , Burnt Blue, brand new, for R7,000.00...that's ridiculous.
                      In life, nothing is free ? but last year I was disappointed. The prices were low but not ridiculously low like the previous years. I met a lot of guys there who felt the same. But I'm positive for this year. I'll be taking your word for it as well ?
                        Chocklit_Thunda wrote:
                        Tokai SA wrote:
                        Chocklit_Thunda wrote: Is this one legit gonna be a proper sale? Because last year they sold dreams by the boat load but not much else because their prices were not that great.... :'(
                        Compared to free I guess their prices weren't great...do you want free gear on a sale? ?
                        I've been to all Toms sales over the last 5 years, the prices were always great.
                        At Braamfontein in 2012 there was an Ibanez JS1200 (Japan) , Burnt Blue, brand new, for R7,000.00...that's ridiculous.
                        In life, nothing is free ? but last year I was disappointed. The prices were low but not ridiculously low like the previous years. I met a lot of guys there who felt the same. But I'm positive for this year. I'll be taking your word for it as well ?

                        dont forget that the ZAR has lost 30%+ over the last few years, so unless is really ooooold stock .... most prices will be higher than before.

                        Tip - lookout for stocktake stickers = more sticker the older that stock item is
                          Tokai SA wrote: I was at Braamfontein this morning checking out preparations for their upcoming annual sale...starting Saturday 29th, Sunday and Monday.

                          Before I carry on, no Tokais on this sale, no Tokais in the store on sale days...I removed them.

                          This is the craziest all goods must go sale I've ever seen, this is way beyond their normal annual sale.
                          So I assume that you didn't buy the Tokai's back and the shop carries them on consignment basis ?
                          I'm after a Tokai JB any color as long as it isn't black.
                          email me.
                            11 days later
                            I was there. Stood in the queue for 2 hours on Sat morning.
                            Got some strings and cables...
                            and a sweet Ibanez rg 421. :dance:
                            Kinda like this:

                            My first electric guitar.
                            Playing it through my bass amp for now :?

                              I too went and got some pedals for super cheap and also a Scarlett 2i2 recording interface ..... But I'm not allowed to open that for another 8 days because it's my birthday present from my sister :'(

                              The sale was better this year but they were missing the boxes with all the bits and bobs like last year..... No slides, string winders, capos, pick holders etc and also I couldn't find the big box of electric guitar strings that I always restock from..... They only had for bass and acoustic...,,
                                I managed to get some Strings, they had some on the counter, but yes the box with the nice strings weren't there this year. The sale wasn't bad, but not great either.
                                  Got myself a Electro harmonix Memory Toy and Nano Clone. The memory toy is quite nice. the nano clone not so much...noisy and uninspiring.
                                  Also got myself a Mic Tube Preamp...for R200 ...called alto mictube alpha...haven't tried it yet though.
                                  I also ran into Chocklit_Thunda lol