Ray wrote:
Roger Waters? Charlie Watts (would have put othe Rolling Stones in if I hadnt seen "Shine a Light")
There's a lot of guys who are still playing. There's rather less that are still interesting. I enjoy Charlie's drumming, but really The Stones are just groteque these days - and I can't see they're doing it for anything but the money (which you wouldn't think they need). I wouldn't be that keen to go see Led Zeppelin trot out all their old hits. I'd be considerably more interested in seeing Robert Plant doing his current thing (or even better Plant with Allison Krauss).
Waters to me is just a professional depressive with an impressive light show these days. Gilmour still has a bit of a spark to him, and in fact I find him more interesting solo than with the big Pink Floyd shows he's done the last while.
But I hummed and hahed over my list. Posted it. Had a shower and thought "but what about ....? And.... ?". The fun with these lists is that they make you examine the category being listed. There is no perfect, inarguable list, and you find many people coming up with the same list. Though personally I'm not prepared to rank the likes of Ozzy Osbourne or Status Quo just because they're still alive and still going through the motions. Or Madonna even though she does hours in the gym each day and has great dancers and lots of lights. Or Chuck Berry because he's still billing by the second and playing with bands he's never met. There are guys doing more than just trotting out their greatest hits for the baby-boom masses.
In my grumpy opinion, of course.