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Guitar jacks and cable for DIY patch cables
Hi guys,
I have gone onto the route of new patch cables. I got some sommer spirit xxl cable that i want to use, neutrik jacks are a pretty penny and i am little strapped... Does it matter if i use a little bit lower quality jacks because they are going to be set on the pedal board if plugged in... Or is it going to affect the tone??? If yes what do you guys suggest for alternative?
I have used Proel plugs and they are pretty decent. You should not notice any difference in sound. I think the cable will affect the sound level more - use good quality multi-core cable and solder it properly to avoid dry joints.
Thanks for the advise Don, what did the jacks cost? And where will you get them?
Cheap cables on a pedal board make little difference, but poor soldering can be really hard to trace among the spaghetti. I once witnessed a pub band's guitarist lose signal somewhere on the board between sets and he wasn't looking too pleased by the time they got going again, down one effect and half an hour later.
Iamweasel wrote:
Thanks for the advise Don, what did the jacks cost? And where will you get them?
Found mine at a music store and they cost about R20 each if I recall correctly - it was a while ago.
I reckon it's cheaper to buy those coloured bundles of short elbow patch cables; also no poor soldering on those.
The Proels plugs are fine - S240 are the angled TS jacks and they retail for R17.95. Musical Distributors (Bothner Group) are the local supplier.
Thanks Alan!! ?