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Hi All

Been playing on and off for about 10 years though I would still class myself as a beginner.
Stay in Southern JHB

Always enjoyed more chilled guitar like Jack Johnson, John Butler etc
Currently play a classical guitar which I love

Looking at getting a ukulele which is how I came across guitar forum

If anyone has any advise regarding finding a good uku I would be interested
The research I have done makes me believe I would prefer a tenor / size wise
Currently looking at the Tangelwood cove creek
I must thank Alan Ratcliffe for posting - "Alan's general music link list" under "guitar gear" I contacted quite a number of the shops and found Marshall Music to be the best priced and they have some stock of different uku's - Hope to be visiting them soon

    Ne!l wrote: Looking at getting a ukulele which is how I came across guitar forum

    If anyone has any advise regarding finding a good uku I would be interested
    The research I have done makes me believe I would prefer a tenor / size wise
    Go have a chat with Richard Bruyns at Music Connection about ukes. I know he's done a lot of research into ukes.

    A lot of the uke repertoire is written for the soprano uke, but you don't have to stick with that. I saw the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain in the UK a few years ago and they had the whole lot going - from a sopranino through to baritone (and an acoustic bass guitar that they referred to as a "bass uke" on the grounds that it has four strings). They also had a couple of resonator ukes and a round-backed Ovation uke.

    They're also worth checking out because they play almost everything EXCEPT songs written for or associated with the uke. When I say "almost anything" the show that I saw included Kate Bush ("Wuthering Heights"), Nirvana ("Smells Like Teen Spirit"), Isaac Hayes ("Shaft") and the Sex Pistols ("Anarchy In The Uk"). They say that if you can't play it on a uke then it's not worth playing.
      Welcome to the nuthouse!!!
      I too am from Southern JHB... But very far south... like northern freestate,just over the vaal into gauteng south. Staying in vereeniging.

      Enjoy your stay here!
        Hi all thanks for all the info thus far

        Also stay well south of JHB - Henley-on-Klip
          Welcome. ENjoy your stay. When do we see some picks of your gear? ?
            6 days later
            Just bought a uku on Friday and loving it trying to post a picture but just cant figure out how to
              Don't worry Ne!l - there are a number of us who didn't Refer to The Flipping Manual before trying to post pics the first time around! ?
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