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This rarely happens, me getting a new guitar, most of the time i just buy very old guitars

Got it yesterday just in time for the GFSA jam

Tanglewood TW 40 O an E

I have been looking for an acoustic for a while now that can become my workhorse for gigs, after testing too many guitar this was the one that turned out to be the most constant.
It has a nice ring to it on the sustain, with a hint of sparkly highs in the sustain.
and it sounds very good plugged in as well.

made a quick video for youtube playing an old time classic,

and on soundcloud i made a comparison recording with another tanglewood:

    The pre amp is a Fishman Sonitone and the pickup that goes with that, its small and fits inside the soundhole
      Nice one Manny! I found myself wondering about the Tanglewood Auditorium size guitars recently. What is the neck like?
        well coming from playing a nylon everyday, the neck might be thick for some, but its perfect for me, almost like a nylon with a C shape.

        i also do enjoy the smaller frets
          Nice find Manfred!
          Was the fishman and pickup fitted after market or as standard with the guitar? Just curious
            It comes standard with the guitar, the "O an E" is the electric model, and the "O an" is just the normal model.

            but i think that is a great idea for a upgrade to not cut any holes into your guitar, just sit it in the soundhole:

            I might want upgrade it to the mic system where you can use a mic inside and blend it with the piezo
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