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Does anyone know where I can pick one of these up in Cape Town? I wanna plug my guitar into my mac and rock out Apple style. I also talked to Graham at The Gear junkie today but no luck. Paul Bohner, maybe?
    hey Matthew

    Try a place that sells rocksmith (the game.. xbox or PS3/4)

    The game comes with a USB to guitar jack cable, but there are shops that sell gaming kit where you can buy the cable separately
      Yeah I was also about to suggest the rocksmith realtone cable. Its really good, got a built in sound card and a nice little breakaway near the USB end. You should be able to find one for about R350 or less. I got my one at B.T games in Durban but there should be one in Cape Town
        Thanks guys, I've tried BT Games before to no avail. I guess I'll just have to bug them to order one in for me!
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