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Hey Guys and Gals.

I'm from Limpopo but originally from Pretoria. I played for a good long while but a few years back I stopped playing, over the last few weeks I've been craving to play. I picked my el cheapo Ibanez and started playing again \m/

The gear I have is not wonderful but it's not too bad.

Ibanez RX Series
Ibanez RG7321
Marshall AVT150 Combo

I'm on the lookout for a new Guitar and I've been looking at the LTD Deluxe series more specifically the MH-1000ET. And it seems to be a really awesome axe.

Oh one more thing, I'm a metalhead! Some of my favourite bands are Death, Opeth, 3 Inches of Blood, Scale the Summit and the mighty Pantera!!

Nice to meet you all!
    Welcome Metalhead - from a Hillbilly Deluxe!! ?
      Thanks guys!

      Sent from my iPhone 4S using Tapatalk
        2 months later

        I'm a total metalhead as well (a 45 year old metalhead though) been playing the guitar for 25 years and i'm still shite lol, music is great (and personal) so if any song, lyric, note makes you smile, the battles won and your 99% on your way to being where you want to be
          Metal head hey? Different strokes for different folks. Welcome to the forum. BTW I thought you had to be < 30 to be a metal head ?.
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