I don't want to be that guy, but I must say something about this new pop up advertising. Firstly, I'd just like to say I don't have an issue with the adverts that feature on the sides/banners/in the forum, but recently I saw that everytime I go to this site, a new window opens up in my browser with an advert. I am not such a big fan of that now.
Its much more intrusive than the other adverts and I'm just not sure if its necessary.
Of course, I always respect the ways of the forum, but I thought I should point this out.
I'm not getting that Adrian. What ad is it for?
Please send screenies. We don't have any new ads running other than AdSense.
Mmmm sounds like a browser hijack on your side Adrian. Not getting that here.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I just took a pic now, will upload later. The internet here is incredibly slow
I dont get any new windows opening themselves, on firefox or chrome
Yeah, I'm not getting it my side either.
Adrian Rogowski wrote:
I just took a pic now, will upload later. The internet here is incredibly slow
Everyone's Internet is incredibly slow ATM. Thank Telkom for upgrading everyone's lines without upgrading the network they are connected to.
My best guess would be that you installed something that had these ads as a hidden "bonus". Check through recently installed items and see if you can spot anything suspicious.
Happened to my wife, too. And even clients of mine who were complaining that I had riddled their sites with ads. Wasn't me - was some dodgy software they installed with trojan adware.
Hey all
I usually don't mind the idea of advertising on sites (it pays the bills) but I'm not too chuffed when the ad in question hijacks my browser window and takes me straight to a p0rn site... Not a popup but the actual GFSA window I just refreshed. It refreshes then goes straight to the ad.
Fine, if I was alone and it happened I would have clicked the x and just notified Alan or Norio via PM but when it happens when I'm in the room with my sister and our 6 year old female cousin - who fortunately had her back to the screen - it's not a very pleasant experience. Especially if she wasn't looking the other way.... In not equipped to explain the birds and the bees to a 6 year old ???
So to the big guys in charge, is there a way to sort this out? Perhaps a way to block these advertisers?
The other ones I get are online poker, zoosk, those fake prize things and strangely enough, banking ads, so I doubt it has to do with my shady google searches.... (Unless I have a weird fetish for Nigerian princess babes who work at banks, play poker and date online while doing naughty films...)
There shouldn't be any x-rated ads at all - we are officially an all-ages site. Which ad was this? Did you click on it?
Norio can block any advertiser, but if someone is slipping in an ad like that, they are operating against Google AdSense T&Cs and need to be reported.
All I did was refresh the GFSA home page and the browser went straight to it.
My browser's current view didn't have the ad banner on the top and the only other clickable link was right at the bottom of tha page.
I'm not sure if I should post the name here so I'd rather PM you the details and perhaps you can sort it out with Norio?
Hmmm Chocklit, I get adds on mine from, I assume because it is a site that I view regularly. Are you sure that this is not the scenario in your case? ?
Chabenda wrote:
Hmmm Chocklit, I get adds on mine from, I assume because it is a site that I view regularly. Are you sure that this is not the scenario in your case? ?
Haha I limit my viewing to late night etv to keep my search history clean ?
Although I do get ads from reverb in the top banner even though I've been on something like 3 times
Doesn't sound likely from AdSense. I'll get Norio to double-check Buysellads too.
PS: It's happened to Tanya (my wife) and to a client of mine. In Tanya's case, there were suddenly a LOT more Facebook ads and they were raunchy and dodgy as hell. In the client's case, his site was full of ads suddenly.
What is interesting is that probably A LOT of the sites these people visited had some ads injected by the Trojan AdWare but they only noticed Facebook/their site because they were familiar with those sites and found it odd.
Anyhow, it was very easy to uninstall. I just looked through recent installs and found the dodgy culprits and ran the normal Widnows uninstall to get rid of them.
Damn... Perhaps it is that... Now how would I uninstall them on a mac? Most of them don't show up when I explore.
Eish sorry bud, Mac is far from my area of expertise. Google?