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And just to add my two cents you can also get one of the amazing amp builders on the forum to build you a Fender clone for much less than a reissue which would be more to spec than the Fenders of old...

Downside is the resale value wouldn't be as good because no one will really believe the value of it etc...

    ? ? Shameless VOX Punt ? ?

    But seriously...

    It is probably going to come down to you A/Bing between a Twin and a Deluxe if you are set on a Fender amp.
    Don't be scared to look around at your other options as well.
      Re the guitar:
      I have been playing with the idea of selling the guitar many many times. I tried to once but when I was offered a deal I withdrew coz it held too much sentimental value.

      Re the Guitar Amp builders:
      OMW! For real? Well this is an option I must investigate than. Ok I will first go and test some amps but wow that's damn awesome news!!!
        Not to highjack my own thread but I've been thinking about getting another guitar that's a bit more suited to my style. Will be looking at the Ibanez Artist Series as a starting point...if I can find one. Used to love that guitar. Never owned one though. It sounded great over a JC120. Pretty sure it's gonna be the bomb with a Fender amp.
          I'm considering selling my VOX Bruno TB18C1 as I'm looking to upgrade, which is very much a fenderesque VOX. Due to the 6V6's it has a much more fendery clean sound, but is still enough of a VOX to let you get that kind of sound too. Let me know if you want to come round and try it out?

          With regards to custom built amps, if I was looking to have a build done, I'd be straight in touch with Benj Craig (bottledtone on the forum). He'd be able to build you a beaut of an amp.

            Ye I agree with Refugee. I'd take a Craig over a fender any day of the week.
              As far as Fender amps go, my only noteworthy experience has been with a Blues jnr. I use mine daily, and to me it's a great pedal platform.


              If you have the money, it's absolutely worth having a chat with Benjamin Craig. My other daily use amp is an amp he built for me. Handsdown the best amp I've ever payed. Let alone owned.

              Add to that the fat that he's absolutely passionate about what he does. You just cannot go wrong.
                Ok so it seem to be choice between some Fenders, Vox or a custom build amp for me. And another guitar maybe. Tough choices that I will explore most certainly. The custom amp idea is a bit of a revelation.
                  I've owned two Deluxe Reverbs (70's models) and I've never wanted anything else. It can do almost anything and in a 3 or 4 piece band its the perfect volume.
                  It's just a timeless classic and very desirable.
                    Airguitar wrote: I've owned two Deluxe Reverbs (70's models) and I've never wanted anything else. It can do almost anything and in a 3 or 4 piece band its the perfect volume.
                    It's just a timeless classic and very desirable.
                    I agree, and love my DR.

                    But if I didn't have an excellent old DR I'd be buying a new Pro Jnr (NOT a Blues Jnr) and not a DR RI.

                    It's the best small tube amp I've played for a long time. You can put it on 4 for a really rich sound (dialling down on the guitar for cleaner tones) and ramp it up to 6 or 7 for a bit more dirt (again, getting clean by using the guitar volume).

                    I hate watching guitarists fiddle with amps, channel-switch and so on. If you've got the right amp, you can control it from the guitar. The Pro Jnr is just such an amp, in my view. It doesn't have tremolo or reverb, but that's actually a plus because the pedals available these days are great for the (very) rare occasions on which you need to use them, and they don't add so much noise into the signal chain.
                      I have a hotrod deluxe. Liked it first time I played it, and in time modified it to closer to what I want.
                      It's way louder than I need so I put in cooler pre amp and power tubes. The limited edition speaker is also not standard.
                      I like to tweek gear. I wouldn't want to do it to anything more expensive than a hot rod just yet.
                      Can't say its better or worse than anything.... But I reckon it sounds great at the price and I got something unique and personalized. And I leanrt a lot about tubes and stuff along the way.
                      Theres a million ways to mod amps. Hotrod is to me a good starting point.

                        Didn't have time yet to check out amps this weekend but I think I may have found the amp + guitar combination I think would make me happy. If Fender amp research shoes I should go Deluxe/Deluxe Reverb or Hot Rod (with a preamp tube swop to make it break up later). And ibanez Artist AR420 guitar. Anyone play a combination of these gear?
                          9 days later
                          Its a pity Fender 5E3s (Tweed Deluxe) aren't more common. They are far superior amps than most of the fender things you get to see in shops, plus you can crank them up nicely at the house and at gigs because they're not super loud. Super awesome cleans and super awesome dirt, with just a cable and a guitar. Mind you, the cleans will not happen at ear-splitting volumes. But that's ok.
                            ez wrote: They are far superior amps than most of the fender things you get to see in shops
                            That's a matter of opinion (IMO ?).
                            Mind you, the cleans will not happen at ear-splitting volumes.
                            Exactly. Plus the drive is a bit loose and gritty, which isn't to everyone's taste.
                              Alan Ratcliffe wrote:
                              ez wrote: They are far superior amps than most of the fender things you get to see in shops
                              That's a matter of opinion (IMO ?).
                              Mind you, the cleans will not happen at ear-splitting volumes.
                              Exactly. Plus the drive is a bit loose and gritty, which isn't to everyone's taste.
                                Alan Ratcliffe wrote: ...flubby lows...
                                the highly acclaimed and sought-after, 'mojo' ?
                                  I'd recommend the Deluxe Reverb. The Twin is stellar for cleans but it's just TOO loud and TOO heavy!

                                  AC15 and AC30 can get pretty sweet, chimey, cleans and the tone cut on the Voxes seem to warm up the sound rather than the Fenders' treble control on the just reducing brightness.

                                  The JC is also solid for cleans.

                                  I'd avoid a DeVille due to the fact that they're also too loud and too heavy and most of the time you're either off or too damn loud.
                                    16 days later
                                    Average Joe wrote: I have a hotrod deluxe. Liked it first time I played it, and in time modified it to closer to what I want.
                                    It's way louder than I need so I put in cooler pre amp and power tubes. The limited edition speaker is also not standard.
                                    I like to tweek gear. I wouldn't want to do it to anything more expensive than a hot rod just yet.
                                    Can't say its better or worse than anything.... But I reckon it sounds great at the price and I got something unique and personalized. And I leanrt a lot about tubes and stuff along the way.
                                    Theres a million ways to mod amps. Hotrod is to me a good starting point.

                                    Hi. Did changing the tubes make a notable difference for you? Could you turn the volume up a little more before you got blasted out of the room?