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Hi guys i need some advice here. Ive had a boss gt-10 for almost 3 years now. And its awesome but im thinking of moving over to the HD400 due to the fact that it has better amp models and its more user friendly and i find that the GT-10 is way to digital for my liking.

So now i need to find out if all of this will be worth it. HELP!!

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    #1, don't look at the HD300 or 400, they are crippled versions of the 500 and crippled in all the wrong ways IMO. The only decent one is the HD500.

    Yeah, the amp modelling in the HDs is better than the Boss units. On the other hand, nothing short of Guitar Rig or AxeFX II touches a Boss' when it comes to effects chains and tweakability, so the HDs are a step backwards in that respect. Then again, the HD is easier to use and has good effects quality (as long as you don't try use too many effects, then they fall over due to processing power limits).

    So it boils down to what you need more:
    Boss: Effects powerhouse - more effects, more tweakability
    POD HD500: Better amp models, easier to use.

      That opens it up a but for me. Im also expanding my normal analog pedals as well so its manly to get those extra effects like rotovibe and the wah pedal and the different feels of the amps. So it sounds like its better for what i need. Ive got the main effects on the side like delays and overdrives and distortions. So its just those one trick ponys that ill actually be needing effects wise.

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        I have a POD HD400 which I have been considering selling since I have moved over to using a midi foot controller. It's in mint condition with the box and all paperwork and has never been gigged with.

        The limitations that Alan speaks of relate to not being able to combine certain effects with others. For example, you get one effects slot for both compressors and distortion, so you cannot combine the two.

        Other than that, I have been very impressed with the amp models.

        PM me if you're interested. I haven't considered a price yet.

        EDIT: I live in Sandton, not in Durban as per my profile.
          I have an HD-500, also gonna join in the rather go for that sentiment, absolutely wonderful unit, and though you can't go as batshit with effects routing to be honest 99% of the time you won't actually need to either. I have some well silly complex patches, and actually finding musical applications for them is somewhat difficult, for the average guitar rig modelling it's completely fine and can handle some more left of field sounds as well. If the DSP thing is a concern just look at the HD500X instead, though a useful thing to know is that you're only really gonna hit the DSP limit running two amps simultaneously most of the time, and certain amp models chow more DSP than others so even that can be worked around to an extent.

          EDIT: I upgraded to the HD500 after owning a Boss GT-10, also put it up against the GT-100 and for my applications it was no contest, as far as modellers go Boss has fallen so far behind on the amp modelling front they're not even running in the same league.
            My mates! You guys helped me out so much! So if any of you know of someone thats looking for a gt-10 with a case give me a shout. I ordered my HD400 today cant wait for it to arrive and fiddle around! Appreciate the input!

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              PringlePanda wrote: My mates! You guys helped me out so much! So if any of you know of someone thats looking for a gt-10 with a case give me a shout. I ordered my HD400 today cant wait for it to arrive and fiddle around! Appreciate the input!

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              Lame dude, you could have got mine for a fraction of the price of the new one, and if you had put it in a music store on display you wouldn't even know its second-hand.

              Oh well, enjoy ?
                I got a second hand one that is also spotless for 3k man including shipping so it was a good deal. Sorry man... Shure it'll be awesome

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