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  • Gear
  • Gruv Gear - Fretwraps

Hi guys,

Don't know if anyone have seen these look pretty interesting as an alternative to a scrunchie or some sort of dampner on the strings.


Does anyone know if these are available anywhere in SA haven't seen anything yet but keen to get some

    really? $30 for 3 scrunchies?
    Marketing at its finest!
      True, i could make something makeshift style myself, but thought hey if i can find a price locally might check it out.

      I was looking at the shipping and it was something like $30 for international more than the "scrunchies" ?
        My brother used to play a lot of tapping styles on his bass...he just used a hair elastic around the bottom end of the neck, usually right at the nut.
          11 days later
          I have 2 of these. 1 for my 6 and 1 for my 7.

          I bought them because there was a special last year sometime and they were selling them in singles and with reduced shipping. They are great, but nothing you couldn't make at home.

          Since then I have made my own. If you're wanting something a bit more complex than a scrunchie, just grab some nice solid foam, a spare facecloth and a velcro cable tie. Just need a bit of sewing skill and there ya go.

          The Gruvs are great but they are fast becoming more of a brand name image thing.. I know this because I fell prey to it a little bit when I bought them. *blush*
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