We have added in a rating system for buyers and sellers in the classifieds. This lets you comment and rate a user based on any dealings you have had with them - positive or negative.
As the classifieds don't actually do any transaction processing, but only list the ads, the rating system is not linked to any specific transaction, so I've re-enabled the memberlist to make it easier to search for a user's profile and comment on any past deals.
So it's there - please use it. And please use responsibly. ?
Eish Alan...the feedback system...she no work.
All i got was You are not allowed to submit feedback
Whoops! Try now...
so we can use this for any transaction with anyone, from any time?
Yeah - I figure we have lotsa history between us and that may help someone new to the site decide whether to buy something from someone or not.
Good feature, thanks!
I think it's a great idea.
"You get what you measure"