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Incase you we're wondering.

I am having a New Toyota Bakkie Day! Just purchased my first pair of wheels ever.

I am pretty excited. Going to collect it on 6 December.

I guess I just took a step into the "grown up" world!

Anybody own a 2005 3.0 4x2 Hilux (diesel)? I am curious as to the fuel consumption.




    I would say about late 600's to mid 700's on a tank ( however, this is dependent on your driving style ). That's more or less what my brother gets with his with our last trip to Upington from Jhb.
      Explorerlover wrote: Congrats...

      I would say about late 600's to mid 700's on a tank ( however, this is dependent on your driving style ). That's more or less what my brother gets with his with our last trip to Upington from Jhb.

      That is not too bad. I am light-footed so I should get close to that.

        I reckon around 9-10km to litre in urban areas, rural areas I reckon about 11 or 12km/l, more if driven like a lil old lady

        nice power , these things run forever....
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