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  • May 25, 2015
  • Joined Apr 8, 2012
  • CostaFonix wrote: well done, some very cool ideas,
    try doing a double take on the guitar with a slightly different EQ, then pan each to the left and right (you could try playing the other guitar track slightly differently to add some spice to it).
    Bring the vocals up a bit as they tend to sit behind the guitar at the moment.
    Give your vocals a bit more tops and maybe give it a touch of reverb.
    Also try and complete each song.
    keep em coming.

    I am a novice in recording. Had to research how to arm a track for recording. Even had to research the difference between mono and stereo recording.

    The double take on the guutar sounds interesting. I'll try it out.

    Funny you should mention the vocals. I actually lowered the volume a bit. I'll boost it a bit next time around.

    The reason I didn't do a full song is that I wanted to post something just so that you guys can a bit of an idea.



    :goodtimes :
    • @ doc-phil

      Thanks for all the links!!

      I appreciate your feedback and effort.

      I'll definitely give a look into all that info and get the most out of it as I can.
      • I have started to record.


        Shure SM58
        Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 Interface
        Tanglewood Acoustic
        DAW: Reaper

        These tracks have had absolutely no mixing/producing at all. Literally singing into the mic while playing guitar directly into the interface.

        They are rough recordings.

        I would like to produce and mix these tracks bit I have absolutely no idea where to begin. Any help will be appreciated.




        • Hi all.

          Finally cleared out everything in the "studio".

          97 boxes of tiles, 50 bags of tile cement and 20 bags of tiles grout among other things. Some heavy lifting believe me!

          The room is 4 x 2.35m so my estimate was pretty close.

          From the Front:

          To the Right:

          To the Left:

          I have high hopes for it!

          Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk
          • Alan Ratcliffe wrote:
            Badapple wrote: What if I use something like a water cooler? I think that's what it's called. Direct translation from afrikaans.
            Swamp cooler? Basically ice and a fan? Even worse - doesn't pull air into the room and adds moisture when you'll be needing to get rid of it.
            The roof is constructed from corrugated iron (sinkplaat?) as it is on a farm.
            Do you need a lot of soundproofing then - I would imagine it's more to keep some noise from your recordings than keep your noise from the farm?

            OK. Roof, ceiling and window are your weak points.

            Seal the roof properly - make sure it's airtight against the top of the wall and between sheets. Rigid fibreglass below that pushing against it - at least 50mm thick and 47kg/m2 density (or about 75mm thick if you use rockwool). The insulation is crucial as not only will it bump your isolation by 3-4dB and help dampen the roof, but it will also help avoid condensation inside the room when the roof heats up (I've seen sealed rooms where the water literally runs down the walls in the morning) and a double-layer of at least 6mm rhinoboard for ceiling. That's about as good as you'll get for your roof structure without replacing the entire roof with something that has more mass and/or building a second later of joists from the walls for the ceiling.

            Windows, put in a heavier glass (ideally laminated glass) and seal the opening windows with draught excluder/foam weatherstripping. Alternatively take out the window and replace with glass bricks for light.

            Replacing the door structure with a sliding door fitted with laminated glass (or ideally two) would be first choice. Otherwise, use a solid door and also seal with weatherstripping. If the frame doesn't have a sill at the bottom, make one so it seals all the way round. Fit a Yale lock (regular locks leave an air path through the keyhole) and use surface mounted handles for opening.
            On another note. opinion on the recording equipment?
            That all looks fine. Add a decent set of headphones and don't forget mic and instrument cables.

            Ok I'll see how I can sort out the cool air problem lol.
            Seems like you are pretty informed in this field?
            I am aiming to keep my "noise" from leaving the room yes. the farm doesn't have much noise.
            I'll find out what it all costs and see what I can manage.
            Thanks Alan.
            • Hi Alan,

              So A/C seems to be the way to go. What if I use something like a water cooler? I think that's what it's called. Direct translation from afrikaans. I would still have an air issue then I think? it will only be for personal use though. So between takes I can open up for air and while mixing ect I could leave the door open.

              The roof is constructed from corrugated iron (sinkplaat?) as it is on a farm. I am going to use normal rhino board as a ceiling. The room is about 4 x 3m. it has only one door and it is made from brick. It also only has one window. steel frame. About 1.5m x 500mm

              Construction wise I don't want to do much but I'm open to your suggestions?

              On another note. opinion on the recording equipment?

              Thanks Alan!

              P.S Merry Christmas!


              • Hi all?

                We moved to a new house about 3 months ago and I now have access to an outside bedroom. This outside bedroom will now be a studio. nothing professional. Just for my use. I am currently putting new ceilings in the place, painting and so forth.

                I am thinking about sound proofing but not sure how to go about it? I also have to keep in mind that it can't be too hot as I cannot fit an aircon due to our solar energy.

                For the studio equipment:

                I have a laptop and a PC. I'll see which works best.

                Interface: Focusrite Scarlett 2i2

                Vocal Mic: Shure SM58

                Instrument Mic (Probably just acoustic): Avantone CK-1

                Mic Accessories: Pop Shield and Stand

                Studio Monitors: Alesis M1 Active 520 Studio Monitors

                DAW: I have Fruity Loops and Reaper (Purchased)

                This was what I collected this morning so if there are any improvements or other suggestions please let me know. Also, it would be nice if you guys know of other online aites so I can compare prices?



                • Explorerlover wrote: Congrats...

                  I would say about late 600's to mid 700's on a tank ( however, this is dependent on your driving style ). That's more or less what my brother gets with his with our last trip to Upington from Jhb.

                  That is not too bad. I am light-footed so I should get close to that.

                  • Hi,

                    Incase you we're wondering.

                    I am having a New Toyota Bakkie Day! Just purchased my first pair of wheels ever.

                    I am pretty excited. Going to collect it on 6 December.

                    I guess I just took a step into the "grown up" world!

                    Anybody own a 2005 3.0 4x2 Hilux (diesel)? I am curious as to the fuel consumption.



                    • I feel guitars aren't totally lost in POP music.

                      If there is a guitar in a popular POP song it is usually tricked out with electronic effects beyond any belief.

                      I don't listen to POP music as I feel it degrades music and the guitar.



                      • Donovan Banks wrote: I went straight into the desk boet. You should hear the rest of the gig. None of it came out as nice as that. Plus I tweaked that EQ and compression to give it more life.

                        I think I have D'Addarios on here. Plain Flamenco strings. I prefer them to the folk ones.
                        Ah okay but it still sounds good!
                        • Donovan Banks wrote: It is a cheapie Aria that I bought years ago. It's one of those guitars that I just gel with and it became an extension of me.
                          It sounds pretty good. What amp were you running through it and which strings?


                          • Hi Donovan,

                            If you don't me asking. What guitar are you using in the performance?


                            • Norman86 wrote: congrats! how does she play?
                              Not bad at all! I just feel the need to uograde the pickups.
                              • RobbieZ wrote: Nice. It is a real "fixer-upper" ?
                                More like a fake "fixer-upper" ?

                                • Ordered this guitar off of the Vintage Facebook page for the grand price of R1900 shipping included.

                                  I only bought it as I have only heard good things about them. I must say it is not a bad guitar. The clean sound is really good quality. It doesn't come close to my Fender strat or the Ibanez LP but that's understandable. I think if I upgrade the bits it will be a really cool guitar.

                                  Plus point... it's eye candy ?


                                  • studmissile wrote: Here are two very good books I was fortunate to pick up a while back, you don't really find any books that focus on actual rhythm, from standard strumming to articulate picking rhythm patterns.

                                    Will check them out thanks! Since I decided I take a certain amount of my salary each month to spoil myself I might just buy them ?
                                    • Navz666 wrote: Ok so yesterday after 3 years of playing with the same strings my D string gave out. So this morning I rushed out to the nearest place to get strings which in Pinetown is Cash Crusaders ( I know bad idea). Anyways, once I get home I find that changing the strings on an electric guitar isn't as simple as just threading them through and tuning (I've got a Fender Squier Strat), as I was tuning I noticed the bridge started to rise so I stopped loosened the strings and did a bit of googling to find that I apparantly went up a gauge, the new strings are "light" so I'm guessing the strings that came with the guitar were superlight or something and so now I've got to open up the back and change the tension but I don't wanna touch because I have the amazing gift of fucking everything up. Anyway while loosening I somehow now snapped my high E string. I have no idea wtf I'm supposed to do. Can anyone tell me where I can go where they'll restring it for me I don't want to mess it up again.

                                      3 years with the same strings...? Either those are some killer strings that I have never heard of or they were already out of tone and playability about 2 and a half years ago.

                                      Anyway, as to your restringing issues. I would recommend that you just add a spring or two to your bridge. It should level out your bridge and is available at guitar shops (not Cash Crusaders I don't think).

                                      Also refer to this link on Bridge Action: http://articles.guitarforum.co.za/articles/guitar-maintenance-3-setting-bridge-action

                                      And this link for more information on strings themselves: http://articles.guitarforum.co.za/articles/guitar-maintenance-7-–-strings

                                      Also, any guitar shop should be able to restring it for you. I have no idea what it will cost as I always do my own.

                                      Also, Check these vids out for restringing:



