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  • Guitar
  • Some badass guitar tone for you

Well, didley-bow anyway (it's almost a guitar)... through a Foxrox Octron. Have a listen to the tone Luther Dickinson gets on the intro:
    I like the sound he gets playing it clean too. Overall, I like this version of Roliing' and Tumblin'
      Wow, wicked sound. Really liking that Southern sound ?
        Very cool! That tone is THICK!

        If you're into this, you're probably a Black Cat Bones fan? I love their stuff. Saw them live for the first time at the Wolmer Bush Lounge - was in heaven ?
          Norio wrote: Very cool! That tone is THICK!

          If you're into this, you're probably a Black Cat Bones fan? I love their stuff. Saw them live for the first time at the Wolmer Bush Lounge - was in heaven ?
          Good word for it ?

          Yeah, the Black Cat Bones are great. Stumbled in on a gig by accident a few years ago and have watched them a number of times since. One of my favourite bands to watch live at the moment. I'm really enjoying their new album Beatipillar too. Captures their live sound better than the previous one and I think the songs are better too.
            Ah cool, I'll check out their new album! Yeah they're just great live.
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