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  • Nov 15, 2013
  • Joined Jun 17, 2013
  • V8 wrote: Heish, mapping it out sounds like hard work ?...I was just thinking of running some drums loops at the BPM of your original riff and jamming the riff over it until you found something you liked, then re-record/re-track the guitars.

    Sure the riff might change a bit (it usually does when I do it), but I find that it helps me groove with the drums.

    Just a thought on the Octaver effect - when I was using a POD X3, I had the ability to run two separate set's of amps + FX. I liked having one amp setup with drive + cabinet (guitar sound) and the other amp with the octaver (octaver sound) then I'd blend in the output of the two amp's with the footpedal until I thought I could feel the octaver yet still hear the guitar.

    Dunno if your tools can do the same? I replaced the X3 with Guitar Rig which can do something very similar, and get even more intricate.
    I work in almost a similar fashion, except I would map the track, and retime the riff, and then redo the mapping until Im satified with how both sound. It is probably a much longer way around, but it feels like I have more control over how the melodic portions of the track plays out.

    I havent worked with VoxJam for very long, so Im not sure if its capable of doing that, although it sounds like a brilliant idea.
    • Alan Ratcliffe wrote: If you want to know if a riff works, strip it down to one guitar and play it over a rhythm section. If it still sounds good, it's a good riff.

      Timing is everything with a riff, So tighten up that timing, lay down drums first and then guitar.

      BTW - different key, but reminiscent of Wish You Were Here.
      I think I may have actually had that song playing in my head when I stumbled onto this :-[ Although to me it sounds a lot different for some reason now.

      Ive tried to compose the way youve described above, but Ive never been able to work that way around. It kinda feels like Im working back to front for some reason. I know its the correct way to do it, but it frustrates me to no end, and I end up losing interest and lumping the idea.

      Ive installed Logic Pro (which I havent used in quite some time) but I forgot it then downloads two gigs of extra's before it completes >☹ So I guess Ill only be able to start working on this again sometime this week.
      • 21Fretter wrote: Just a bit difficult to tell what is going on for me. I am a fan of the octaver sound though, i was also playing around with one the other day.
        Do you think perhaps the levels are a bit whack?
        Perhaps the Octaver may be overpowering the riff itself? I actually didnt even think of that :-[ I know what it sounds like so Im assuming everyone else can too, but I listened again, and it may actually be being drowned out a bit.

        Its a very cool effect, but its a little difficult to control, as it lends itself to crazy sustain, especially on slower leads. That and its pretty powerful.
        V8 wrote:
        ThomasN wrote: +1

        Its like you read my mind!
        I think thats almost the exact sound Im trying to push for, and I havent even heard of those guys before. You are right about the drums too. Im going to try beat mapping it, because I tried the stock drum lines I have, but none of them seem to fit properly.
        Thank you!
        Not mind reading ? - I'm listening through this thread http://www.guitarforum.co.za/general-music/your-albums-of-the-year/msg243577/.

        I started with your tune then listened to the first album Jack Flash Jr posted, the similarities were too close not to mention. (I hadn't heard of them either till about 30mins ago) - thank him for that one!

        What you using for drums?
        Aaah okay ?
        I havent been on the site for quite a while, so havent been keeping up with all the new thread topics.
        Thanks for the link though, their sound is exactly up my alley.
        Kinda like a mixture of early Nazareth and The Black Crowes.

        Both tracks (rhythm & lead) were recorded through VoxJam, and I tried the apps drum lines, but they are so out of whack with what Im doing, that it makes my teeth hurt trying the match it up.
        Im going to have to resort to something like a Logic Pro, and manually map the track I guess.
        • V8 wrote: Jam it with some drums, imho it could do with some groove...

          Reminds me a lit of Black Joe Lewis?

          Its like you read my mind!
          I think thats almost the exact sound Im trying to push for, and I havent even heard of those guys before. You are right about the drums too. Im going to try beat mapping it, because I tried the stock drum lines I have, but none of them seem to fit properly.
          Thank you!
          • I was messing around recently testing the new pups I had fitted to my guitar and came up with this riff, which kinda stuck.
            IMHO you get good riffs and sucky ones. Im not sure about this one, so yesterday I did a quick recording with a rudimentary lead over it (and a bonus duff up in the center somewhere :-[). This would be the anchor point for the song, and the rest (chorus etc) would be built around it, should I pursue it.

            I was hoping someone here would be kind enough to just give me their opinions on it.
            As I said its very rudimentary, I am just kind of hoping for either a no / yes reply.

            Thanks ?

            • Lemon Oil isnt bad for your fretboard if done properly imo.
              I think it is however bad for the wood if its applied too often though, and lathered on, instead of using it sparingly as it should be.
              Sweat does more damage to the fretboard than Lemon Oil possibly could.
              • When I read the title for this thread, I though you were quoting the Nazareth song ?

                Sorry about the guitar man :-[
                • Exceptional work as usual mate ?
                  • Possibly one of the most diverse amps Ive had the pleasure of using.
                    When looking for an amp, I was trying to avoid the overly bright tones of the JCM800, which hurts my ears. When I tried this in the store, I was skeptical because of this, but when I switched in on, I was so surprised at its clear warm tone, with beating low end. It can go pretty bright, if you dial the Presence too high. (past 12 o'clock). But it has a nice warm vintage tube sound, which I really liked.

                    Given that its the Kerry King signature head, its also expected that when you power up, this thing is all gain from low volume to full, which it isnt. It is able to do low volume just great, with both clean (really clean), to classic JCM vintage tones (when turning up the preamp AND you can remove that screechy tone which I hate), right to so much, if feels like you ears will melt (beast mode). All which can be played at bedroom level, through to concert volume.

                    The built in noise gate controlled from the beast section is a very good quality, but personally I didnt find much use for it, as I prefer to play this without Beast mode, and like the sensitivity it can deliver. If youre playing really fast thrash type stuff, as well as shredding leads, it would definitely help, with muting out any feedback and horrible noise. Palm muting with the gate is almost unnecessary, if its turned up full.

                    Ive used quite a few Marshall heads in my years, including the Super Leads and Plexi's, and I can honestly say, this head is by far more powerful. People say with the Plexis, it will deafen you... This head, if dialed beyond 12 o'clock, will make you throw up if youre anywhere close to it.

                    All I can add is that physically this thing weighs a flippen ton. In the advert for it, when it first came out, Kerry King is holding it over his head... I honestly think they may emptied it guts before asking him to do this... unless he does power lifting in his spare time.

                    I hope this answers any questions.

                    At this stage, due to personal reasons, I am selling it for 2k less that what was paid for it. ☹

                    • Hammeron wrote: How would you define the presence control effect in context on the Marshalls?
                      I may be out of context here, but I think (please feel free to correct me if Im wrong) that single coils kind of bring their own "jingle" in terms of highs and mids to the party, without the need to use it in the presence on the Marshall's. Buckers kind of need it on the amp, because of the strong lows, but SCP dont. Unless youre looking for high pitched shimmering leads I guess.

                      I know when I plug my Start in, I have to dial down the Presence, on mine, otherwise it tends to be too screechy, which is the exact opposite of the muddy tone everyone tends to try avoid. ?
                      • Thats solid advice from Alan.
                        Its a good way to profile your amp, and trim it from there.
                        The only thing I could add, would be to use your Tele as your master volume.
                        For blues and Hard Rock, youre probably looking for a a break up, but not too quickly?
                        If it were me, Id crank everything on the Tele, follow Alan's advice with dialing in the tone youre after on the amp (try not to take too long or your neighbors will kill you). Then dial everything back down on your guitar to an acceptable volume. Let the amp do the heavy lifting, and the guitar be the boss.
                        • Nibs Van Der Spuy

                          Syd Kitchen (RIP)

                          Mauritz Lotz
                          • Wow, wicked sound. Really liking that Southern sound ?
                            • Updating immediately (as Norio mentioned) is very important. Some hosts allow for you set up automatic updates on the back-end automatically as they are released, which saves you some hassles of trying to keep up. Just be careful of all the free plugins. Id advise to check the up-loaders ratings, as well as how many people are using the plugin first, before installing. The WP rating system is a bit weird, because it may have a 5 star rating, but when you check it out, it shows that it has a 5 star rating from only 2 people. (more than likely from the plugins coder using 2 different accounts).

                              One thing that I would advise is to avoid theme's that use Timthumb. From personal experience Ive found it to be extremely problematic, and constantly needs to be updated, due to it being a security risk.

                              Goodluck ?
                              • I guess it depends on what youre currently using, to see the comparison as to whether it would affect your tone.
                                Celestions are great speakers, that invariably perform better when played at higher volumes, but with what Allan has quoted from the maker, Id guess that with it having smaller magnets etc... It may well be okay at lower volumes.
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                                  • Love the way the 59' is accompanied with a violin bow, "Jimmy Paige." :roflmao:
                                    • Wordpress is a great platform to work on. Its easy to use, and is really open ended as far as expanding goes, with all the available plugins. However it is also one of the easiest platforms to hack. It also seems that there seems to be a current trend for code kiddies to try f up any WP site they come acorss. Unfortunately this has happened to me more than once, even though I put as many safeguards in place as possible.
                                      • Ive only just spotted this thread.
                                        WOW! Thanks for sharing this with us.
                                        I also have to live with a life changing condition, and understand that it can change your entire timetable on life sometimes.

                                        Can't wait to see the images of the progression on these!!! ?
