Musicians are better at spotting mistakes
That's cool... although I knew that already. Being blessed and stuff, you know *shrugs*
One gripe and serious error in that pic... it focuses on the bassist. That is satanic.
One gripe and serious error in that pic... it focuses on the bassist. That is satanic.
Not only sexier than everyone else but sharper too! But like Evo says, we knew that allready. 8) Deef and Evo being among the top 10 an'all. ?
Being a musician I was able to spot the mistake in that phrase almost immediately. ?Hammeron wrote: ... Deef and Evo being among the top 10 an'all. ?
Frikkin genius! {still in my top 10 tho!}deefstes wrote:Being a musician I was able to spot the mistake in that phrase almost immediately. ?Hammeron wrote: ... Deef and Evo being among the top 10 an'all. ?
I have previously read research that indicated that ppl who play a musical instrument generally have higher IQ's than none players..... its IQ that picks up errors , not the fact you can play a flute.......
To some extent it may be IQ that picks up errors but not entirely. This study found that musicians have an increased ability to inhibit task irrelevant information. The research "draws particular attention to the skills learnt in musical performance. When playing pieces to an audience or to themselves musicians must demonstrate heightened awareness of their actions: continually monitoring their playing through auditory feedback and rapidly adjusting their movements to anticipate possible mistakes."IceCreamMan wrote: I have previously read research that indicated that ppl who play a musical instrument generally have higher IQ's than none players..... its IQ that picks up errors , not the fact you can play a flute.......
There may well be a correlation with IQ but one would think that if a study is accepted into a scientific journal like Neuropsychologia, they would have considered perhaps whether the entire hypothesis was flawed and it could all simply be chalked down to IQ.
Not sure I necessarily agree with the above, the journal is in some cases paid for the publication of articles, in addition they may not necessarily be custodians of the research merely a conduit.deefstes wrote:
There may well be a correlation with IQ but one would think that if a study is accepted into a scientific journal like Neuropsychologia, they would have considered perhaps whether the entire hypothesis was flawed and it could all simply be chalked down to IQ.
there have been a number of studies performed into the playing of an instrument and the correlation with higher IQ or boost in IQ. Some research seems to indicate that playing an instrument raises IQ (although I believe this to be a temporary thing for as long as one actually plays through life) .
But of course, you may be absolutely correct and its all completely unrelated to IQ ...but I doubt it
I can spot a bad note/chord the moment I strike the strings... lol
I don't think we disagree. IQ undoubtedly plays a role here and whether the link between IQ and musicianship is causal, correlative or mere coincidental is a topic for another study. I just don't share your mistrust of the journal in question. Sure, there are journals which have dubious reputations arising from them publishing what brings them money rather than what is accurate, but this is not one of those journals.IceCreamMan wrote: Not sure I necessarily agree with the above, the journal is in some cases paid for the publication of articles, in addition they may not necessarily be custodians of the research merely a conduit.
there have been a number of studies performed into the playing of an instrument and the correlation with higher IQ or boost in IQ. Some research seems to indicate that playing an instrument raises IQ (although I believe this to be a temporary thing for as long as one actually plays through life) .
But of course, you may be absolutely correct and its all completely unrelated to IQ ...but I doubt it
This study will have been subjected to peer review before it was published in Neuropsychologia. What that means is that guys much smarter than you or me have already scrutinised these findings and have given it the nod. You'd need some hefty credentials to be able to simply diss the findings with "naah, it's all just IQ".