I've moved back to four string after playing a five string bass for years, and I am enjoying the simplicity of playing The Way Leo Intended. Playing in a church worship team, though, I'm often playing parts written for 5 string, and in particular I miss the low D and Eb. I've tried drop D tuning in the past, but last night at rehearsal I tuned the E string down to D, and the D string up to E, giving me three strings in fifths intervals (i ignored the skinny string because I never use it, and tuning a G up to B is asking for trouble). This is after reading about a number of double bassists who tune in 5ths and reading
this thread.
Well. It was quite a workout playing some basslines (lots of shifting) and quite a bit of thinking to remember where the notes are, but it was a lot of fun. The low D sounds great, and the sound of the whole instrument seemed better to me. I've read about this 'openness' of sound in articles about fifths tunings, but I was skeptical. It really does sound better to me.
Of course, after I finished playing, I tuned my strings back to standard tuning to even out the tension on the neck.
Two questions:
- Anyone else messed around with fifths tunings?
- Any recommendations for assembling custom string sets? I'm probably looking at CGDA (octave cello tuning), which will just about fly using the B,A,D,G strings from a five string set but I'd be open to trying a proper set made up for this tuning.