Norio said:
The ads aren't going anywhere. Don't ask me to take them off
Sorry guys but it is becoming unbearable. After having to deal with the annoying pop up every time I access the forum and shaky forum software (i.e. log in and out functions), I now have to try focus on the text with flashing adverts on the right. Major overseas forums do not need to resort to these tactics and their member bases are much larger, hence higher hosting costs. I have slowly but surely been logging on less and less because of the adverts.
The admin can do whatever they want, it is their site, but notice that some of the long time members are not posting as frequently as before. There must be a better way.....
I am typing this as I watch epilepsy inducing adverts from dating sites in 72pt font while the actual screen space devoted to our precious posts gets smaller and smaller. Google adwords are effective because they did away with the in your face banner advertising of the 90's. Subtlety is key.
Cheers for now... :goodtimes: