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  • Gear
  • Strings for open C tuning + capo

Hey guys!

A while back I learnt Mumford & Sons' Little Lion Man on my acoustic guitar, and recently I decided to add it to our repertoire of songs. However, the last time I tuned to open C and put the capo at the fifth fret my D snapped at the bridge ??? so I'm in need of a new set of strings. I figured that this would be a good time to ask some advice before I buy some ?

I play in open tunings often so I'm wondering what the best string gauge is for this + using a capo at the 5th? 11's maybe?

Thanks guys!
    I use 12's daddario Phosphor Bronze EJ16

    And I use alternate tunings with capo and play quite percussively.

    On a typical set I would go from standard to DADF#GD to DADGAD and possibly back again. Haven't broken a string yet. Open C shouldn't be too different.

    Most acoustics should accommodate 12's, maybe check your nut
      Great thread, thanks.

      I've recently been dabbling with alternative tunings after having seen Jon Gomm and Tony Cox play at the Internationl Guitar Night.

      Gomm put me onto CGDGBbD.
      I love it, but I need more "girth"/resonance on the higher tuned strings.
        ShakeNBake wrote: Great thread, thanks.

        I've recently been dabbling with alternative tunings after having seen Jon Gomm and Tony Cox play at the Internationl Guitar Night.

        Gomm put me onto CGDGBbD.
        I love it, but I need more "girth"/resonance on the higher tuned strings.
        Going to try this tuning as well. Have also toyed with the idea of 13's to give more girth/resonance but then would probably have to alter the setup of my Takamine. Capoing (is there such a word) does help a bit!
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