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Hey guys

So I recently ordered a cheappie online, and I am sure that when it arrives I will be swapping out the pups.relatively soon. Well, I'll see as the import of this thing is almost doubling the price but anyway....

I currently own a '61 Re-issue Gibson SG, which came loaded with Gibson '57 Classic pups. I love the way they sound so I am thinking of maybe dropping a pair in the cheappie also. Anyone know where I can find a pair?
    Contact stuart at marshall music woodmead they the gibson importers , and carry lots of spares and pups ....
      symbolofmylife wrote: Hey guys

      So I recently ordered a cheappie online, and I am sure that when it arrives I will be swapping out the pups.relatively soon. Well, I'll see as the import of this thing is almost doubling the price but anyway....

      I currently own a '61 Re-issue Gibson SG, which came loaded with Gibson '57 Classic pups. I love the way they sound so I am thinking of maybe dropping a pair in the cheappie also. Anyone know where I can find a pair?
      Let me know if you dont come right with the 57's, I may be selling a pair of Gibson Burst Buckers by tonight if youre keen.
        I have a pair from my SG when I upgraded to
        bare Knuckles.

        For the price of postage you can have them.
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