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Do we have anyone who has successfully built one of these scary modules?

I am hoping to start in October/November and was thinking that if there are any people that have successfully built one we could pool our resources/knowledge and give each other a helping hand.

Here's the website www.megadrum.info

    i looked at building one of them a few years back, but never got around to do it.

    goodluck ?
      5 days later
      Manfred Klose wrote: goodluck ?
      Thanks!!! ?

      I have decided to buy a prebuilt and programmed main board but will source chassis LCD and controls locally. I have a few killer ideas already and last month I built an Ekit with a friend from some scraps of pipe and used a Yamaha DD-11 as the controller. Works unbelievably well. I will start that thread and show some pics of that, it is really cool.

      So the idea is to build another kit from scratch after the Megadrum controller is up and running, so that I can learn to play the drums when this is all over with.
        19 days later
        OK slight update.

        Ordering my 32 input module today, starting to test all my components on this side so that assembly will be quick.

        Pics coming soon....
          19 days later

          My 32 input controller arrived today, there is a special offer on the ATMEGA derivative boards, picked mine up for 65 pounds instead of 100 and an extra 8 pounds for postage, worked out just over a grand.

          So, the build commences tonight, will post more pics as I go.

          Wish me luck....

            Cool, so I got it talking to my PC last night, now to finish soldering the 32 RJ45 connector jacks and wiring the LCD properly. Things are taking shape quite nicely.

            I have been donated an old acoustic drum kit including snare and high hat which I will be collecting on Saturday, then the conversion can begin to an e-kit.

            All that is left to order is a hall sensor for the high hat, they cost like 14 bucks from rs components.

            Will update soon.
              4 days later
              Oh my soul (**,) Now this is what I'd call a e-drum module.......... EXPASION get all the symbols and toms and cow bells you want. Maybe I should do something stupid like build one haha
                Nicholas L wrote: Oh my soul (**,) Now this is what I'd call a e-drum module.......... EXPASION get all the symbols and toms and cow bells you want. Maybe I should do something stupid like build one haha
                Yeah it is pretty expandable alright!! I have just finished soldering 24 jacks. Rigged up my test sensor and all 24 are triggering! Holy crap I am going to have more drums to hit than I know what to do with lol!

                Good way to learn how to play drums I guess... ?

                Here is an unfinished pic so far...

                  Looks good man. I like it. Had the same idea about learning to play drums hehe.
                    a month later
                    Well, here's an update on my build in picture form. Lots left to do but so far so good.

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