Psean wrote:
Check your inbox. I know someone who might be able to help out.
Thanks, Psean, yeah we were only short the monitor. I was just a bit worried about borrowing stuff from people considering the number of drunk students at the gig.
DaFiz wrote:
Absolutely yes. I also do a fair amount of compromising... M drummer has access to a powered mixing desk and some Cerwyn Vega 15" speakers,
yet getting them here in the rainy weather is a problem. I use the 150W 4 channel PV mixer more often then not and for a monitor...
the Behringer 120W bass amp... and it makes a luvly monitor indeed ?
Sounds like a good rig. Unfortunately the TSA is only a 15 watter, so I'm not sure it would have coped in the end after all. In the end, Music Mate Cresta managed to organise a good deal for me on a 200W powered QTX speaker, so I bought that. Frivolous perhaps, but at least we won't face the problem again, and it's a good piece of kit.
Thanks the the help, guys!